How to Rebuild Horse Trailers
- 1). Determine what kind of condition the trailer is in. You will need to check the condition of the floors, metal sides and roof, frame, wiring, axles, hitch and tires.
Consider how much time, money and effort you are willing to put into restoring the trailer as well as if your skills are up to the task. Horse trailers are intended to haul living animals, and improperly repaired or restored horse trailers can be dangerous or even deadly. - 2). Remove the paint by sandblasting the trailer. Sand down all rough or ragged edges. It is important to get the paint off the trailer before you attempt to repair rust damage because leftover paint can affect the quality and appearance of your repairs.
- 3). Check the hitch mechanisms to make sure everything required to attach your trailer to your truck is in working order. Replace any items which show too much wear or do not work properly.
- 4). Use welder to repair any rust on the metal parts of the trailer, including the sides, roof and frame. Depending on the severity of the rust, you may need to use new metal in cases of severe rust.
Remember to wear appropriate safety gear while operating a welder. - 5). Prime and repaint the trailer using paint specially made to prevent rust. This will give your trailer a fresh look and additional protection from the elements.
- 6). Replace any damaged floorboards with new, pressure-treated boards. It is important for the floorboards of the trailer to be strong and weather resistant. When the floor is completed, cover it with rubber floor mats to add traction and reduce the chance of your horse slipping on a slick floor.
Make sure floor mats do not trap moisture between rubber mats and wooden floor. Moisture trapped against the trailer's floorboards can cause the floor to rust. - 7). Check brakes and tires and replace parts as needed to make sure brakes and tires will be in good working condition when you use the trailer.
- 8). Check and repair trailer wiring, including wiring harness. Make sure all lights and signals, including emergency flashers, are in good working order. It is dangerous and illegal to operate a trailer without lights.