Alternative To Pain Management
It doesn't matter who you are, but chances are, you've felt pain at one time or another.
Pain can be minor or major, or anything between.
It can interfere with your everyday life and prevent you from doing the things you enjoy.
Of course, taking some pain pills would be the quickest most sensible thing to do.
It will just turn into a repiticious cycle of pill popping, slowly destroying your body? Pills, like Aspirin and Tylenol, have serious side effects such as kidney and liver damage as well as gastrointestinal bleeding.
Prescription pain pills, such as opiates, are very addictive and extremely toxic to the body.
What if there was something that could help that was completely non-toxic.
Would you try it? Well there is, its called a SCENAR (Self Controlled Energo Neuro Adaptive Regulation).
The SCENAR is a small hand-held device that operates on a 9-volt battery.
It resembles a TV remote consisting of a small screen and several buttons.
This little machine has been proven effective in over 80% of cases.
It is primarily used for pain management but has been shown to improve a number of diseases and disorders.
The SCENAR was invented by a Russian doctor named Alexander Karasev back in the 1970's.
Originally, it was ment to replace numerouse pharmaceuticals for the Russian Space Program because of limited storage space on the shuttle.
Unfortunatly, the SCENAR never made it into space and was kept Russia's secret for about fifteen years until it eventually made its way into the US.
The SCENAR works by stimulating the body's own healing process and creating internal balance.
It uses biofeedback, which is basically a transfer of information, to stimulate the body's natural healing process.
The SCENAR is set to a comfortable energy level and then slowly dragged over the affected area.
It then recods any asymmetries which can be observed by stickiness and redness.
It doesn't hurt and the only sensation should be a slight tingling or prickling.
Once the SCENAR measures the asymetries it will then send electric impulses from the affected area to the brain letting it know that something in that area needs healing.
When your brain receives the message it will produce nuero peptides which are essential for healing and regulating the body.
By stimulating the production of these peptides, the healing process will last several hours and continue way after the initial SCENAR therapy is over.
Depending on how severe the pain, the treatments can last anywhere from 2 days to 6 weeks.
There are several SCENAR models available, some that are even ment to be used at home, independently.
Those models don't require any certification or licensing and are usually cheaper then the professional models that require FDA licensing to be used.
The prices vary anywhere from $300 to $2,000, but the therapy itself is usually around $80 depending on where you live.
The only contradiction to using a SCENAR is someone who has a cardiac pace maker or is pregnant.
Other than that, the SCENAR can be used on anyone.
Pain can be minor or major, or anything between.
It can interfere with your everyday life and prevent you from doing the things you enjoy.
Of course, taking some pain pills would be the quickest most sensible thing to do.
It will just turn into a repiticious cycle of pill popping, slowly destroying your body? Pills, like Aspirin and Tylenol, have serious side effects such as kidney and liver damage as well as gastrointestinal bleeding.
Prescription pain pills, such as opiates, are very addictive and extremely toxic to the body.
What if there was something that could help that was completely non-toxic.
Would you try it? Well there is, its called a SCENAR (Self Controlled Energo Neuro Adaptive Regulation).
The SCENAR is a small hand-held device that operates on a 9-volt battery.
It resembles a TV remote consisting of a small screen and several buttons.
This little machine has been proven effective in over 80% of cases.
It is primarily used for pain management but has been shown to improve a number of diseases and disorders.
The SCENAR was invented by a Russian doctor named Alexander Karasev back in the 1970's.
Originally, it was ment to replace numerouse pharmaceuticals for the Russian Space Program because of limited storage space on the shuttle.
Unfortunatly, the SCENAR never made it into space and was kept Russia's secret for about fifteen years until it eventually made its way into the US.
The SCENAR works by stimulating the body's own healing process and creating internal balance.
It uses biofeedback, which is basically a transfer of information, to stimulate the body's natural healing process.
The SCENAR is set to a comfortable energy level and then slowly dragged over the affected area.
It then recods any asymmetries which can be observed by stickiness and redness.
It doesn't hurt and the only sensation should be a slight tingling or prickling.
Once the SCENAR measures the asymetries it will then send electric impulses from the affected area to the brain letting it know that something in that area needs healing.
When your brain receives the message it will produce nuero peptides which are essential for healing and regulating the body.
By stimulating the production of these peptides, the healing process will last several hours and continue way after the initial SCENAR therapy is over.
Depending on how severe the pain, the treatments can last anywhere from 2 days to 6 weeks.
There are several SCENAR models available, some that are even ment to be used at home, independently.
Those models don't require any certification or licensing and are usually cheaper then the professional models that require FDA licensing to be used.
The prices vary anywhere from $300 to $2,000, but the therapy itself is usually around $80 depending on where you live.
The only contradiction to using a SCENAR is someone who has a cardiac pace maker or is pregnant.
Other than that, the SCENAR can be used on anyone.
- Digestive disorders
- Musculoskeletal disorders
- Dental disease
- Ear, nose, throat disease
- Circulatory disorders (such as hypertension)
- Respiratory disorders
- Peripheral nervous system (such as carpal tunnel)
- Central nervous system (post stroke effects)
- Locomotor system (such as arthritis)
- Skin conditions
- Allergic reactions
- Depression