8 Tips on How Yoga Can Help You to Stop Worrying
Most of the times our worries are not based on sufficient logic.
But you will hardly find any person who does not worry.
Everybody has his own set of worries.
A really spiritual person is free from all sorts of worries.
They may not be having tough schedules or dead lines to meet like us but we can observe that they have more self awareness which helps them to stay calm in any situation.
Similarly, we can do self analysis to analyze our worries and stay away from them.
Find solutions.
Instead of worrying about the major challenges in our life, reach out for help from friends, experts who can help.
Find solutions to the problems, look at the brighter side of life.
With determination, find ways to turn your adversity into an asset.
Share your worries.
Talk to friends or family members about your worries.
You will feel better by talking it out.
Look up to seniors.
Discuss your worries with more experienced persons (parents or your seniors).
They may provide an easy solution to your problem or make you realise that the problem was not so big after all.
You are not the center of universe.
Do not think that you are driving everything that happens around you, the world will not fall if you are not there at all places at all times.
Learn to Relax.
Spare some time daily for exercise.
Regular exercise will help you to avoid stress.
This will remove worries about your health.
Yoga practice especially alom vilom pranayama and shava asana are ideal for relaxation.
Simplify diet.
As per yoga philosophy, using lot of spicy and junk food loads your digestive system.
These foods are tamasik in nature and promote feeling of anger and restlessness.
Foods like vegetables, fruits, milk and nuts are sattvik in nature and promote good health and positive thinking.
Read good inspiring stories/books.
It will inspire you and keep you away from negative emotions or worries of failure.
Meditation helps in self awareness and makes you realise the bigger picture without worrying about small issues.
When you feel you are worrying excessively close your eyes and take few deep breaths.
If possible close all your work for 10 minutes, lie down in shavasana.
You will feel much better.
But you will hardly find any person who does not worry.
Everybody has his own set of worries.
A really spiritual person is free from all sorts of worries.
They may not be having tough schedules or dead lines to meet like us but we can observe that they have more self awareness which helps them to stay calm in any situation.
Similarly, we can do self analysis to analyze our worries and stay away from them.
Find solutions.
Instead of worrying about the major challenges in our life, reach out for help from friends, experts who can help.
Find solutions to the problems, look at the brighter side of life.
With determination, find ways to turn your adversity into an asset.
Share your worries.
Talk to friends or family members about your worries.
You will feel better by talking it out.
Look up to seniors.
Discuss your worries with more experienced persons (parents or your seniors).
They may provide an easy solution to your problem or make you realise that the problem was not so big after all.
You are not the center of universe.
Do not think that you are driving everything that happens around you, the world will not fall if you are not there at all places at all times.
Learn to Relax.
Spare some time daily for exercise.
Regular exercise will help you to avoid stress.
This will remove worries about your health.
Yoga practice especially alom vilom pranayama and shava asana are ideal for relaxation.
Simplify diet.
As per yoga philosophy, using lot of spicy and junk food loads your digestive system.
These foods are tamasik in nature and promote feeling of anger and restlessness.
Foods like vegetables, fruits, milk and nuts are sattvik in nature and promote good health and positive thinking.
Read good inspiring stories/books.
It will inspire you and keep you away from negative emotions or worries of failure.
Meditation helps in self awareness and makes you realise the bigger picture without worrying about small issues.
When you feel you are worrying excessively close your eyes and take few deep breaths.
If possible close all your work for 10 minutes, lie down in shavasana.
You will feel much better.