How to Choose a Lawn Grass
- 1). Select cool-season grasses such as bluegrass, tall fescue or perennial ryegrass if you live in an area that has cold winters and mild summers. Cool-season grasses are hardy and grow vigorously in the cool months of spring and fall.
- 2). Select warm-season grasses such as Bermudagrass, St. Augustinegrass or zoysiagrass if you live in an area where summers are hot and winters are mild. Warm-season grasses are less hardy, grow vigorously during the hot months of summer and turn brown in winter.
- 3). Choose locally adapted pest-resistant varieties, blends of varieties or mixtures of grass types. Your local nursery can help you choose.
- 4). Select cool-season fescues or warm-season St. Augustinegrass or zoysiagrass for shady spots.
- 5). Plant Bermudagrass, buffalograss or tall fescue in dry summer areas.