PMS Symptoms and Pregnancy Symptoms
PMS symptoms and Pregnancy Symptoms share some of the same symptoms.
The degree of effect is different for every woman.
For one woman, the symptoms may vary from month to month and in intensity.
Ladies, the good news is there are treatments available to help relieve symptoms especially of PMS.
Pregnancy symptoms may be treated but only under the direct care of your OB/GYN (obstetrics and gynecology).
There may be a chance that any medication you take could affect your baby.
PMS Symptoms The general belief is that symptoms of PMS may be caused by one of two things - low levels of Serotonin - a brain chemical that helps control mood, sleep cycles, and appetite.
Serotonin also helps signals to travel from nerve to nerve.
The other possible cause is the variations in hormone levels that occur during a woman's menstrual cycle.
If Serotonin levels are suspected, you may experience one or more of the following symptoms.
Mood changes, irritability, anger and aggressive behavior may occur.
Anxiety, Depression, and sleep problems might also occur as well as fatigue.
Food cravings and an increased appetite may also be a symptom.
If hormonal levels are believed to be the cause, then you may experience head aches or migraines.
Sore breasts and back aches have been noted.
Bloating and weight gain have also been experienced by some women.
Treatment of PMS symptoms may include prescribed medications including ant-depressants, pain relievers-prescribed and over the counter, and in some cases a woman may be put on birth control to help stabilize her periods.
Your doctor is the best source of information about various treatments.
Pregnancy Symptoms Early pregnancy may cause a woman to feel a variety of things and is usually indicated by missing one or more periods in a row.
If you suspect you are pregnant, see a physician as soon as you can.
This is to confirm your pregnancy and if you are not pregnant determine the cause for your missed periods.
Pregnancy symptoms include nausea and/or vomiting, morning sickness, and sore breasts or nipples.
You may experience headaches and fatigue as well.
Mood swings also can occur in early pregnancy and through out.
Frequent urination also is a bothersome symptom of pregnancy.
Cravings and aversions may occur around food and smells.
Treatments of pregnancy symptoms can be tricky.
There are medications that are known to have some effects on a developing baby.
Good pre-natal care for both you and your baby will help keep both healthy.
It is important that you do not take anything without talking to your doctor for your sake and your baby's sake.
Possible Treatments for PMS symptoms and Pregnancy Systems Due to the many serious side effects associated with many prescribed medications, many women are seeking out more natural treatments such as herbal supplements.
Herbal supplements have few if any negative side effects.
Whether you are pregnant or have PMS, herbal supplements may benefit you.
It is strongly recommended that you do not take anything without checking with your doctor because some herbs can affect the performance of any prescriptive medications.
The best herbal supplements are those that have undergone intense testing.
The ingredients' metabolic paths at the molecular level will have been evaluated.
Interactions between the ingredients are also studied.
They should have been made to meet pharmaceutical grade standards.
This guarantees that the quality of the supplement is the same throughout the bottle and in subsequent bottles.
The consumer is guaranteed that they are getting what the product label says they are.
Conclusion It is known that PMS symptoms and pregnancy symptoms are similar.
They may include headaches, back aches, and nausea/vomiting (morning sickness).
Treatment of PMS symptoms includes prescribed drugs or herbal supplements.
Treatment of pregnancy symptoms is a bit more difficult because many medications can harm your unborn baby.
Herbal supplements then may be an option, but it is important to check with your doctor before taking anything.
The degree of effect is different for every woman.
For one woman, the symptoms may vary from month to month and in intensity.
Ladies, the good news is there are treatments available to help relieve symptoms especially of PMS.
Pregnancy symptoms may be treated but only under the direct care of your OB/GYN (obstetrics and gynecology).
There may be a chance that any medication you take could affect your baby.
PMS Symptoms The general belief is that symptoms of PMS may be caused by one of two things - low levels of Serotonin - a brain chemical that helps control mood, sleep cycles, and appetite.
Serotonin also helps signals to travel from nerve to nerve.
The other possible cause is the variations in hormone levels that occur during a woman's menstrual cycle.
If Serotonin levels are suspected, you may experience one or more of the following symptoms.
Mood changes, irritability, anger and aggressive behavior may occur.
Anxiety, Depression, and sleep problems might also occur as well as fatigue.
Food cravings and an increased appetite may also be a symptom.
If hormonal levels are believed to be the cause, then you may experience head aches or migraines.
Sore breasts and back aches have been noted.
Bloating and weight gain have also been experienced by some women.
Treatment of PMS symptoms may include prescribed medications including ant-depressants, pain relievers-prescribed and over the counter, and in some cases a woman may be put on birth control to help stabilize her periods.
Your doctor is the best source of information about various treatments.
Pregnancy Symptoms Early pregnancy may cause a woman to feel a variety of things and is usually indicated by missing one or more periods in a row.
If you suspect you are pregnant, see a physician as soon as you can.
This is to confirm your pregnancy and if you are not pregnant determine the cause for your missed periods.
Pregnancy symptoms include nausea and/or vomiting, morning sickness, and sore breasts or nipples.
You may experience headaches and fatigue as well.
Mood swings also can occur in early pregnancy and through out.
Frequent urination also is a bothersome symptom of pregnancy.
Cravings and aversions may occur around food and smells.
Treatments of pregnancy symptoms can be tricky.
There are medications that are known to have some effects on a developing baby.
Good pre-natal care for both you and your baby will help keep both healthy.
It is important that you do not take anything without talking to your doctor for your sake and your baby's sake.
Possible Treatments for PMS symptoms and Pregnancy Systems Due to the many serious side effects associated with many prescribed medications, many women are seeking out more natural treatments such as herbal supplements.
Herbal supplements have few if any negative side effects.
Whether you are pregnant or have PMS, herbal supplements may benefit you.
It is strongly recommended that you do not take anything without checking with your doctor because some herbs can affect the performance of any prescriptive medications.
The best herbal supplements are those that have undergone intense testing.
The ingredients' metabolic paths at the molecular level will have been evaluated.
Interactions between the ingredients are also studied.
They should have been made to meet pharmaceutical grade standards.
This guarantees that the quality of the supplement is the same throughout the bottle and in subsequent bottles.
The consumer is guaranteed that they are getting what the product label says they are.
Conclusion It is known that PMS symptoms and pregnancy symptoms are similar.
They may include headaches, back aches, and nausea/vomiting (morning sickness).
Treatment of PMS symptoms includes prescribed drugs or herbal supplements.
Treatment of pregnancy symptoms is a bit more difficult because many medications can harm your unborn baby.
Herbal supplements then may be an option, but it is important to check with your doctor before taking anything.