Watches In Extreme Sports
In the due course of time, watch has undergone several changes expect that it is still being worn to the wrist of an individual. In the initial years of its advent, for a few years, watches were carried with a chain hanging to them in the pocket. Later leather and metal straps are used in place of chain enabling it to be worn on the hand. Ever since watch changed from a mere analog watch to the digital version, it is helping several professionals in their careers. Especially sports athletes are much benefitted with the digital watches.
In olden days, measurement of time in sports activities used to be done with sand clocks, water clocks etc. However, the time calculations were controversial and generally ended up with each of the participants claiming themselves as winners. It was very difficult to know if an athlete is improving himself in his or her daily practice. In extreme sports like racing, rafting etc. the situations were even worst. Several of these sports activities need precise measurement gadgets like digital watches with features to measure speed, height, distance, depth etc. thanks to the technological advancements which made such watches available today.
Extreme sports activities require apt time measurements to break records. It was a hard task to measure seconds and milliseconds while a sports event was taking place in olden days. Thanks to the digital watches which have several add on features which help precise measurement of time. Not only measurement of time, in some sports events like rafting, cross country races, etc. several other aspects also have to be calculated. In swimming sports, the depths to which the swimmer is swimming can be known through some of the digital watches that are available in the market. The speed, height, depth, temperature, etc. can be known in the latest digital watch. This helps in improving the performance of the athlete.
Extreme sports activities are a craze and require sophisticated equipment to improve the performance of the athletes. There are watches which measure not only the distance, speed, height etc. but also help in gauging the blood pressure, temperature, respiratory rate, etc. of the performer. This will help the athletes to improve the performance day after day. In racing, the car's performance can be gauged only through the equipment fixed in the panel of the car. However, today, the driver can have the watch which would give the complete details of the situation while on the race.
Latest digital watches with global positioning systems embedded give the location of the performer. Watches which measure altitudes are already in use in sports activities like sky diving. These watches have been quite useful for precise measurement of height of the sky diver from the earth's surface. Similarly, there are watches which are intuitive enough to give details of performer's interest.
For athletes who practice marathon or short running, there are digital watches which can show the calorie burn. This helps the athlete to plan appropriate food intake to improve the performance. Likewise, watches with MP3 players help the athlete to listen to his or her favorite tracks while doing work outs. It has been observed that athletes perform better when they practice while listening to their favorite music tracks.
Coming to other adventurous extreme sports like river rafting, yacht sailing, there are watches available which can be used as compasses. The direction of wind flow can also be known through these watches. In extreme sports, there are several watches which are very much useful to improve the performance of the participants. Moreover, it becomes easy for the referee to give exact time measurements and declare the right winner.