Matching Your Personality To Your Forex Trading?
To begin with, you need to gain an understanding about the different types of Forex trading styles that are available. For instance, do you have a tendency to perform all your trades within the space of a day so that they do not rollover into the next one? Are you able to support such intense trading by providing the necessary time and energy? If you can answer affirmative to these questions, then you are classified as a day-trader.
Is your time so valuable that you are unable to track your trades constantly? Do you have a preference for long-term planning and generating quality decisions? Do you focus on trading just a few positions over time-frames that can exceed days? If you do then you fall into the camp of the swing trader.
Do you find that you are even more selective and aim to trade positions that can remain open for long periods ranging from weeks to months? If so, then you can view yourself as a position trader.
Maybe you respond to the adrenaline bursts that are created by the action of trading many positions within minutes. If you do, then you are a scalper.
You will also find that your personality has a serious influence over the methods you choose to study your Forex positions. For instance, do you prefer to analyze global economic developments? Are you very interested in the world-wide news? Do you find that you are interested when major economic data is posted such as a countrys payroll figures, interest rate changes and Gross Domestic Products, etc? If you do, then you have a preference for fundamental analysis.
Instead, if you prefer analyzing trading charts by using technical indicators, then you favor technical analysis as your main approach for assessing the current Forex market conditions.