How to Raise Money for Homeschooling
- 1). Hold a 50/50 raffle. Sell the tickets for $2 each. $1 goes toward your homeschooling while the other $1 is set in a jar for the winner of the drawing. So if you sold 100 tickets, you would get $50 and the winner of the drawing would get $50. Once you have sold all of the tickets, choose a winner and award him with all of the money in the jar.
- 2). Hold an old-fashioned car wash to raise money for your homeschooling endeavors. If you are part of a co-op you can contact your local grocery store or church to ask permission to use their parking lot for the car wash. Hand out fliers a week before and either charge a certain amount per car, or leave the donation amount up to the customer. If you are not a co-op you can contact friends and family members and create a schedule on a Saturday. Give each customer a time so you are not swamped with too many cars at once. Collect the money once the car has been washed.
- 3). Organize a bake-off bake sale. Secure the use of a school gymnasium, or a church fellowship hall. Charge for each individual who wants to enter the bake-off. This is the money you will keep toward your homeschooling fund. Contestants in the bake-off can pick one of their baked goods to be judged while selling the rest of their baked goods to make a profit of their own. Just make sure you have a trophy or small prize for the individual who had the tastiest treat.
- 4). Set up a donation website instead of selling products. There are several services, such as and, that allow you to set up a donation website for free. They will keep 10 to 20 percent of the amount raised as a service fee, but nothing will come out of your pocket. Plus, a donation website allows you to reach a wider audience and you do not have to worry about shipping purchased fundraiser items.