Why Buy a Canister Vacuum Cleaner?
This gadget can also prevent intense backaches during house cleaning, as you need not fully bend your body to reach under those dark corners and below furniture and beds because modern units have flexible handles that allow your unit to sweep through those difficult areas.
Buyers who would want to purchase a unit are often confronted whether they will buy an upright or canister vacuum cleaner. Therefore, here are some enlightening things that will help you decide if a canister type is what you need.
* Canister vacuum cleaners usually have three types of brushes to choose from a hard plastic brush 10-12 inches wide with soft bristles, turbo brush with spinning drum rollers with bristles, and power head brush similar to turbo brush but is only powered by a separate turbo. These brushes act by allowing air to get into the dirt particles so that the unit can absorb them. This is perfect for flooring with carpet that is thick and heavy to wash.
* This type of vacuum cleaner also comes with a hepa filter that absorbs and traps the smallest possible dirt particulate there is on your floor, which can circulate in the surrounding air. Such features are perfect to prevent airborne diseases and very good prevention for the trigger of allergic reactions.
* In addition, priced more than upright models, canister types nevertheless render a more quiet service.
* Most units these days come with special tools that are highly manageable and can be used in almost all places of your home. These tools make your unit more convenient and increase the efficiency of its performance.
* Being effective on hard surfaces, a canister vacuum [http://www.thevacuumrater.com/] cleaner prevents dirt from scattering and is perfect for cleaning stairs and hard to reach areas such as those under the furniture.