How Chiropractic Can Alleviate Neck Pain
The neck, also referred to as the "cervical spine", is in charge of many very important tasks.
It supports the entire weight of your head (which averages about twelve pounds), it allows you to move your head in a wide range of directions, and it provides you with flexibility.
It is precisely because of these functions and the location of the neck, that it can be quite prone to pain and injury.
If for any reason a person begins to experience neck pain, daily activities begin to suffer, as does the overall quality of life.
Neck pain can be caused in a variety of ways including: injuries to the neck itself, accidents (often resulting in whiplash, tissue and nerve damage, disc problems, ligament damage, and muscle damage); simply getting older; sleeping in a poor position; osteoarthritis; spinal stenosis; degenerative or genetic conditions; and even daily wear and tear from poor posture or repetitive motions.
What you can expect on your 1st Chiropractic visit.
Chiropractic care can be a terrific option for people who suffer with any type of neck pain.
After making an initial appointment, a doctor of chiropractic will begin by doing a thorough consultation, and ask you some questions about your lifestyle and your current symptoms.
Typical questions include: When did your pain begin? What treatments have you already tried to alleviate your pain? Do you have pain in other parts of your body or does it travel from your neck to other regions? Does any type of activity make the pain better or worse? In some cases, the chiropractor may also conduct more in-depth physical and neurological exams.
This will help to determine your posture, range of motion, overall physical condition, spine condition, reflexes, and muscle strength.
X-rays may also be used to check for fractures, arthritis, bone spurs, or disc issues that could be contributing to your neck pain.
In many cases, doctors of chiropractic recommend neck adjustments (also referred to as cervical manipulation).
This is a very precise procedure that is done by hand and applied to the joints of the neck.
Neck adjustments help to restore range of motion, increase spine mobility, and improve normal spinal curves and posture.
Patients who undergo such treatments often note a reduction of neck pain, stiffness, and a better ability to turn and move the head.
Your chiropractor may advise setting up a treatment program that combines neck adjustments with one or more other types of chiropractic care options to better manage your neck pain.
This may include different exercises, massage treatments, mobilization rehabilitation, or other procedures.
It is always a good idea to seek chiropractic care when you experience any form of neck pain.
A professional will be able to discuss all of your treatment options, and explain your condition in great detail.
A chiropractor specializing in corrective care involving a detailed treatment program including spinal corrective rehab is your option for alleviating your neck pain, correcting the cause of the problem and getting on with your life.
It supports the entire weight of your head (which averages about twelve pounds), it allows you to move your head in a wide range of directions, and it provides you with flexibility.
It is precisely because of these functions and the location of the neck, that it can be quite prone to pain and injury.
If for any reason a person begins to experience neck pain, daily activities begin to suffer, as does the overall quality of life.
Neck pain can be caused in a variety of ways including: injuries to the neck itself, accidents (often resulting in whiplash, tissue and nerve damage, disc problems, ligament damage, and muscle damage); simply getting older; sleeping in a poor position; osteoarthritis; spinal stenosis; degenerative or genetic conditions; and even daily wear and tear from poor posture or repetitive motions.
What you can expect on your 1st Chiropractic visit.
Chiropractic care can be a terrific option for people who suffer with any type of neck pain.
After making an initial appointment, a doctor of chiropractic will begin by doing a thorough consultation, and ask you some questions about your lifestyle and your current symptoms.
Typical questions include: When did your pain begin? What treatments have you already tried to alleviate your pain? Do you have pain in other parts of your body or does it travel from your neck to other regions? Does any type of activity make the pain better or worse? In some cases, the chiropractor may also conduct more in-depth physical and neurological exams.
This will help to determine your posture, range of motion, overall physical condition, spine condition, reflexes, and muscle strength.
X-rays may also be used to check for fractures, arthritis, bone spurs, or disc issues that could be contributing to your neck pain.
In many cases, doctors of chiropractic recommend neck adjustments (also referred to as cervical manipulation).
This is a very precise procedure that is done by hand and applied to the joints of the neck.
Neck adjustments help to restore range of motion, increase spine mobility, and improve normal spinal curves and posture.
Patients who undergo such treatments often note a reduction of neck pain, stiffness, and a better ability to turn and move the head.
Your chiropractor may advise setting up a treatment program that combines neck adjustments with one or more other types of chiropractic care options to better manage your neck pain.
This may include different exercises, massage treatments, mobilization rehabilitation, or other procedures.
It is always a good idea to seek chiropractic care when you experience any form of neck pain.
A professional will be able to discuss all of your treatment options, and explain your condition in great detail.
A chiropractor specializing in corrective care involving a detailed treatment program including spinal corrective rehab is your option for alleviating your neck pain, correcting the cause of the problem and getting on with your life.