Eliminate Stress With These Stress Busting Tips
Copyright (c) 2009 Mind Body Spirit Central, LLC
In my last article in March 2009, "Stressful Times", I shared with you how stress can lead to a number of negative health and emotional problems, such as relationship issues, needless arguments, weight gain, high-blood pressure, sleep disorders, panic attacks, rapid heart beat and more. Well, it looks like I hit the nail right on the proverbial head with that one.
In the last week alone, I have seen several articles addressing the same subject. In one of them, Pam Belluck of the New York Times shared some interesting insights and statistics from experts.
1) Anxiety, depression and stress are troubling people everywhere, as they worry or react to pervasive uncertainty,
2) Therapists and psychiatrists are seeing more and more first time patients,
3) In an American Psychological Association poll from September, 80 percent of those surveyed said the economy is causing significant stress, up from 60 percent six months earlier,
4) The National Sleep Foundation reports that 27 percent of people surveyed have experienced sleeplessness as a result of stress, and
5) The National Suicide Prevention hotline reports that calls have increased by over 27 percent from January 2008 to January 2009!
In good times, even when it seems that nothing can or will go wrong in your daily life, you and everyone else experiences stress in some way or another. But not everyone chooses to let it affect him or her in the same way - especially in the tough times as we see now. Unfortunately, many people, both children and adults, are reaching for anxiety medication, alcohol, food or take out their frustration in anger directed at someone close at hand.
Here are some additional tips on how to handle and manage your stress level.
First, be sure to eat "intelligently". Be smart and eat a balanced diet of fruits and vegetables, true whole grains, low fat dairy, lean meats or fish and healthy unsaturated fats - stick to those that have been processed as little as possible. Eating a pure, healthy diet will give you the nutrients and energy you need to manage stress. Limit processed foods of all kinds, even those, commercially produced or those from the "fad diet plan of the month" that proclaim to be healthy. Many of those processed "fad diet plan" foods you see in commercials and the internet have just as many sugars, sugar alcohols, chemicals and ingredients in them as a "Pop Tart" pastry.
Next, be patient and slow down. Too many people try to cram in way too much for their days, leaving them overwhelmed. Prioritize your "to do" list and don't feel bad if you have to cut something out in order to slow down. Use your energy wisely and be productive, don't waste energy on unnecessary things.
Third, take time to relax daily. Relaxation should be part of your every day routine. And, give yourself the permission to do something that relaxes you. When you find yourself in a stressful situation, concentrate on your breathing by taking deep breaths and notice how much more relaxed you feel. As you become more calm and relaxed, your heart rate will slow. Qigong for Concentration is an excellent way to learn breathing and meditation exercises that can bring you to a calmer state of mind. The gentle, graceful movements of Qigong and meditation, combined with controlled breathing exercises make it an ideal program to improve men's health, women's health and children of all ages - they are even great exercises for senior citizens.
Fourth, do some physical exercise every day. Exercise does wonders for stress reduction. In fact, Qigong for Stress Relief is a perfect way for you to reduce back and joint pain, improve your health with breathing exercises and of course - blast away your stress. Qigong is the "breath work" or the art of managing the breath to achieve and maintain good health and to enhance the energy mobilization and stamina of the body in coordination with the physical process of respiration.
Finally, get at least seven hours of sleep. There is absolutely nothing that worthwhile on television that should compel you to stay up until midnight, or later, to watch. Calm down before bedtime with Qigong for Beginners and candles. As you listen to the soft music allow your mind to be quiet and at rest as you relax and do the exercises. And to wrap it all up, relax even further with the "Meditation" exercise. Meditation is one of the leading means to relieve stress, increase your ability to focus and improve your overall health and well being.
Living a stress-free life is critical to your overall health and well being. Use these tips and rid your body and mind of stress.
In my last article in March 2009, "Stressful Times", I shared with you how stress can lead to a number of negative health and emotional problems, such as relationship issues, needless arguments, weight gain, high-blood pressure, sleep disorders, panic attacks, rapid heart beat and more. Well, it looks like I hit the nail right on the proverbial head with that one.
In the last week alone, I have seen several articles addressing the same subject. In one of them, Pam Belluck of the New York Times shared some interesting insights and statistics from experts.
1) Anxiety, depression and stress are troubling people everywhere, as they worry or react to pervasive uncertainty,
2) Therapists and psychiatrists are seeing more and more first time patients,
3) In an American Psychological Association poll from September, 80 percent of those surveyed said the economy is causing significant stress, up from 60 percent six months earlier,
4) The National Sleep Foundation reports that 27 percent of people surveyed have experienced sleeplessness as a result of stress, and
5) The National Suicide Prevention hotline reports that calls have increased by over 27 percent from January 2008 to January 2009!
In good times, even when it seems that nothing can or will go wrong in your daily life, you and everyone else experiences stress in some way or another. But not everyone chooses to let it affect him or her in the same way - especially in the tough times as we see now. Unfortunately, many people, both children and adults, are reaching for anxiety medication, alcohol, food or take out their frustration in anger directed at someone close at hand.
Here are some additional tips on how to handle and manage your stress level.
First, be sure to eat "intelligently". Be smart and eat a balanced diet of fruits and vegetables, true whole grains, low fat dairy, lean meats or fish and healthy unsaturated fats - stick to those that have been processed as little as possible. Eating a pure, healthy diet will give you the nutrients and energy you need to manage stress. Limit processed foods of all kinds, even those, commercially produced or those from the "fad diet plan of the month" that proclaim to be healthy. Many of those processed "fad diet plan" foods you see in commercials and the internet have just as many sugars, sugar alcohols, chemicals and ingredients in them as a "Pop Tart" pastry.
Next, be patient and slow down. Too many people try to cram in way too much for their days, leaving them overwhelmed. Prioritize your "to do" list and don't feel bad if you have to cut something out in order to slow down. Use your energy wisely and be productive, don't waste energy on unnecessary things.
Third, take time to relax daily. Relaxation should be part of your every day routine. And, give yourself the permission to do something that relaxes you. When you find yourself in a stressful situation, concentrate on your breathing by taking deep breaths and notice how much more relaxed you feel. As you become more calm and relaxed, your heart rate will slow. Qigong for Concentration is an excellent way to learn breathing and meditation exercises that can bring you to a calmer state of mind. The gentle, graceful movements of Qigong and meditation, combined with controlled breathing exercises make it an ideal program to improve men's health, women's health and children of all ages - they are even great exercises for senior citizens.
Fourth, do some physical exercise every day. Exercise does wonders for stress reduction. In fact, Qigong for Stress Relief is a perfect way for you to reduce back and joint pain, improve your health with breathing exercises and of course - blast away your stress. Qigong is the "breath work" or the art of managing the breath to achieve and maintain good health and to enhance the energy mobilization and stamina of the body in coordination with the physical process of respiration.
Finally, get at least seven hours of sleep. There is absolutely nothing that worthwhile on television that should compel you to stay up until midnight, or later, to watch. Calm down before bedtime with Qigong for Beginners and candles. As you listen to the soft music allow your mind to be quiet and at rest as you relax and do the exercises. And to wrap it all up, relax even further with the "Meditation" exercise. Meditation is one of the leading means to relieve stress, increase your ability to focus and improve your overall health and well being.
Living a stress-free life is critical to your overall health and well being. Use these tips and rid your body and mind of stress.