How to Shorten Thick Curtains
- 1). Hang the curtains on the window they will dress. Determine where you wish the new, shorter curtains to fall and mark the new bottom edge with straight pins. Be sure to do this for both panels.
- 2). Open the bottom seam of each panel and each side seam up to the lines of pins using a seam ripper. Most thick curtains are thick because they are lined. You may need to cut the fabric and lining separately.
- 3). Place the curtain panels flat on your sewing table, with the "wrong" sides facing up. Make dashes between the straight pins, parallel to the pins, with fabric chalk.
- 4). Remove the straight pins. Use a straight edge and the fabric chalk to connect the chalk dashes to form a straight line on each curtain panel. Measure down from the top of each panel to make sure your chalk lines are perfectly even.
- 5). Measure down 2 inches from each chalk line. Draw a new straight line parallel to the first at this measurement on each panel. Use a different shade of fabric chalk, if it helps you to remember which line is which.
- 6). Double-check that your lines are even by measuring from the top of each panel. Cut along the second lines that you made with sharp scissors. If your lining is visible, cut an additional 1/2 inch off of each piece.
- 7). Fold up the bottom edge of each panel 1/2 inch. Press these folds in place with a warm iron. Fold the edges up again another 1 1/2 inches and press along the new fold.
- 8). Sew a straight line of stitches across the top edge of the fold along the bottom of each panel. Snip away any excess threads. Hang your curtains.