A Woman"s Place is in the Home?

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A woman's place is in the home? Well for many women this saying was & still may be outdated, rude & disrespectful; however let's not get it out of proportion.
When I was a child growing up, my mum had a full time job, & I don't mean 8 hours in a shop or an office.
Mum would be up at 6.
30 ready to see my dad off to work & then look after four growing boys.
By the time evening came around after shopping, cooking, cleaning, ironing & tending our needs my mum & dad were both exhausted.
In those days dad was the breadwinner & he had to work 12 hour days just to make ends meet, & mum was a full-time do everything hurricane.
OK so where's the place for this title today? Well I am still not sure that there is a place for it.
If there is a place I think we need to give the name a makeover.
I leave you to put your own label on it because you can call it anything you like.
The important thing here is that the world is a rapidly changing place, everything is at lightning speed & if you don't keep up you get left behind.
This affects us all men & women alike.
However I see a huge hole in the workplace that can easily be, & should be filled by more women.
What is this hole & why are women possibly better suited to this opportunity than their male counterparts.
It's the internet & internet marketing.
The opportunities are huge, & women from all walks of life can do this and become extremely successful.
Some are so successful that they are giving there husbands early retirement & recruiting them into their home businesses.
I know of some very young work at home mums who are earning ten times their husband's salaries.
Some in excess of $30,000.
00 USD.
But it does not end there more and more mature women, & men are joining this small minority of elite marketers.
It is a small minority because the average person just does not know that this sort of business exists, & how simple & lucrative it can be given the right training.
So why are women so cut out for this sort of business? Well I believe it's a mix of things.
Women tend to be more open & homely this helps people to relax & listen to them, women tend to tell & not sell.
So they come across as helping you to find a solution rather than pushing you into a corner.
I am not saying it's a free ride, because its not.
It requires learning new things, work & application & if you apply yourself properly to a good business opportunity you will succeed, and reap the rewards.
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