Ways to Remove a Contact Lens
- A device called a suction holder is the highly recommended method for removing hard contact lenses. You must make sure that the suction holder is applied on the contact lens and not on the eye. If the device is applied on the eye, severe damage to the eye may result. The device should quickly suction onto the lens; once this occurs, gently twist the lens off the eye. Once the lens is off the eye and on the suction holder, simply slide the lens off the device.
The second method for removing a hard contact lens from the eye is more complicated and is recommended in the case of an emergency. The Blink Method begins with you looking straight ahead with your eyes opened as wide as possible. Place the tip of your middle finger on the outer corner of the eye, making sure pressure is even on both the upper and lower eyelids. Cup your free hand under your eye, getting it ready to catch the contact lens. Pull your middle finger toward the ear at a slight upward angle. Widen the eye as much as possible and blink forcibly. The lens should fall into your cupped hand. If this does not happen on the first try, relax the eye and begin the process again. - Wash your hands with a glycerin bar or emollient-free liquid soap, and dry thoroughly. If your eye feels dry, squeeze a few re-wetting drops into the eye before attempting to remove the lens. Look upward, and using your right hand, take your middle finger and gently lower the lower lid. Gently use your index finger to slide the contact down to the white of the eye. Using your index finger and thumb, gently squeeze the contact lens between them and remove it from the eye.
If your contact refuses to budge after re-wetting the eye, an alternate method can be used. Close your eye and look up with your eyes still closed. Gently take your index finger and place it over your closed lid. Gently and slowly move the contact lens around a bit with your eye still closed. Slowly lift your lid by placing your index finger just under the brow bone. Take your opposite hand and cup it under your eye. As you lift the lid, widen your eye as much as possible and turn your gaze downward. The contact should fall out of the eye.