How to Drill Through Very Hard Wood
Things You'll Need
1Choose and insert an appropriate drill bit for your project. Since the wood is very hard, you will need flat or mutli-angle wood bits, which can be purchased at your local hardware store.
Make a mark with a pencil at the drill spot. Push a nail into the spot to create a pilot hole for your drilling.
Press the end of the bit into the pilot hole. Hold the drill with two hands, one on the trigger and one on the back of the drill. Keep the drill bit vertical to the hole.
Press the trigger with your finger. Use a slower speed and do not push down too hard on the drill. This will prevent the wood from splintering. Pull the drill out every so often to prevent clogging.
Slow the drill as it nears the end of the hole. Stop it as soon as it emerges from the other side. Turn the wood over and slowly drill in the small hole. This will prevent a chunk of wood breaking off the back of the piece. You now have a smooth, straight hole.