Helpful Information About Acne Rosacea
Acne Rosacea is a common chronic skin disorder typically characterized by acne-like patches, cysts, telangiectasia and facial redness.
Some people who are affected by acne rosacea do not even realize they have the disorder.
Flushing of the face is often neglected because they do not think it is unusual.
Typically, rosacea is more evident among people between the ages of 30-50.
Constant flushing is very notable affecting several areas of the face, nose, forehead and chin.
The increasing number of people affected by rosacea gave way to the formation of various Acne Institutes and organizations which aim to disseminate relevant information regarding the disease.
Facial redness is the most common symptom seen in rosacea patients.
Flushing is activated when the body is stressed or fatigued.
It occurs when the amount of blood flowing in the face increases thus the blood vessels expand to accommodate the large amount of blood flow.
Skin dryness is also manifested by rosacea patients.
Red bumps and pimple-like lesions are often present.
Noticeable red lines scattered all over the face are also noted.
Some patients may manifest nose bumps or rhinophyma though it is a very rare sign and commonly seen in men.
Even though acne rosacea is a long-term disorder there are ways to manage the manifestation of its symptoms.
Some patients have similar triggering factors and being able to recognize these factors will greatly help to minimize flare-ups.
To reduce facial redness, avoid activities that usually trigger the rush of blood to the face.
As much as possible, try to refrain from eating spicy foods and use protective covering such as hat or umbrella when going outside to avoid too much sun exposure.
Proper skin care is also a vital component in the management of acne rosacea.
Do not over wash your face as this may cause irritation and never forget to wear sunscreen at all times.
If possible, stop using any kinds of cosmetics and hair sprays since it is found to aggravate the condition.
Treatment for acne rosacea depends on its severity and manifested symptoms.
Patients experiencing mild cases of rosacea may not require further treatment.
Several ways to treat rosacea include the use of antibiotics, facial cleansers, topical creams, sun protection and glycolic peels.
Photodynamic therapy is a new acne rosacea treatment which uses light and photosynsetizing agent called levulan.
The procedure can reduce inflammation and promote good skin integrity.
Patients who have undergone the procedure are strictly advised to avoid sun exposure.
Laser is also another procedure which has gained popularity in treating various kinds of skin disorders.
It is a safe and non-invasive procedure which lessens facial redness and minimizes the visibility of red lines.
Some people who are affected by acne rosacea do not even realize they have the disorder.
Flushing of the face is often neglected because they do not think it is unusual.
Typically, rosacea is more evident among people between the ages of 30-50.
Constant flushing is very notable affecting several areas of the face, nose, forehead and chin.
The increasing number of people affected by rosacea gave way to the formation of various Acne Institutes and organizations which aim to disseminate relevant information regarding the disease.
Facial redness is the most common symptom seen in rosacea patients.
Flushing is activated when the body is stressed or fatigued.
It occurs when the amount of blood flowing in the face increases thus the blood vessels expand to accommodate the large amount of blood flow.
Skin dryness is also manifested by rosacea patients.
Red bumps and pimple-like lesions are often present.
Noticeable red lines scattered all over the face are also noted.
Some patients may manifest nose bumps or rhinophyma though it is a very rare sign and commonly seen in men.
Even though acne rosacea is a long-term disorder there are ways to manage the manifestation of its symptoms.
Some patients have similar triggering factors and being able to recognize these factors will greatly help to minimize flare-ups.
To reduce facial redness, avoid activities that usually trigger the rush of blood to the face.
As much as possible, try to refrain from eating spicy foods and use protective covering such as hat or umbrella when going outside to avoid too much sun exposure.
Proper skin care is also a vital component in the management of acne rosacea.
Do not over wash your face as this may cause irritation and never forget to wear sunscreen at all times.
If possible, stop using any kinds of cosmetics and hair sprays since it is found to aggravate the condition.
Treatment for acne rosacea depends on its severity and manifested symptoms.
Patients experiencing mild cases of rosacea may not require further treatment.
Several ways to treat rosacea include the use of antibiotics, facial cleansers, topical creams, sun protection and glycolic peels.
Photodynamic therapy is a new acne rosacea treatment which uses light and photosynsetizing agent called levulan.
The procedure can reduce inflammation and promote good skin integrity.
Patients who have undergone the procedure are strictly advised to avoid sun exposure.
Laser is also another procedure which has gained popularity in treating various kinds of skin disorders.
It is a safe and non-invasive procedure which lessens facial redness and minimizes the visibility of red lines.