Compelling Ebook Writing - Reveal Secrets in an Ebook
What is it about humans that makes us crave to know juicy secrets? It's entertaining, it's different and it's fun.
When we learn how to do something in a fun way it's a combination of education and entertainment, in other words, edutainment.
The first time my friend Jean learned how to cook spaghetti she did a lot of guessing.
She was out camping with some Girl Scouts.
There were no cookbooks available.
The trail pack excluded cooking instructions for spaghetti.
She had seen her mother cook spaghetti before but never really paid attention.
She told the girls to boil a pot of water.
Then, she instructed them to break the spaghetti noodles in half and put them in a pot.
One of the girls asked, "How long should we cook the spaghetti?"Jean scratched her head wondering how long the spaghetti should cook.
She said, "Oh, I'm really unsure.
Let's cook it for 30 minutes and then we'll see if it's done.
" On a camping trip, you typically only bring enough food for the planned meals.
The counselor in charge came over to the cooking fire when the girls were making sounds of great distaste.
The counselor in charge said, "What's that?" pointing to the pot of cooking lumpy, goo.
Jean said, "It's supposed to be spaghetti, but I think we overcooked it.
" The counselor in charge looked at Jean and said, "Do you know how to cook?" Jean said, "No.
" "Why didn't you tell me that before you started cooking?" "Why didn't you ask me that before you told me to be in charge of cooking?" The counselor in charge looked empathetically at Jean.
She said, "Do you know how to collect firewood and manage fires safely?" "Oh, sure that's easy.
" "Ok.
From now on you're in charge of fires and wood collecting.
I'll assign someone else to be in charge of the cooking.
" Jean shrugged her shoulders and said, "Okay.
" Write an eBook on Cooking Secrets This story demonstrates that you could write an e-book about first attempts at cooking or how to make cooking easier.
You could provide the secrets to successfully cooking.
This could be a best seller and be written using humor.
People would like that.
You could have a bestseller on your hands.