Insanity Can Never Cure Your Gout!
That is exactly what most gout patients are forced to live with for the rest of their lives. They are framed by the conventional medical practice to deal with their painful gout attacks with some sort of... Insanity.
They are given the same drugs or treatments over and over again while hoping for miracle to happen which is to have no more gout attack in the future. A gout victim may get some instant pain relief after popping in some of those gout drug pills. But not long after that he will have to go through the same cycle again and again. Eventually he will learn to accept the crazy 'fact' which says that gout is incurable and he must depend on those pills forever.
But deep in heart of many gout victims, they are still hoping that those pills that they had been taking for years will somehow get rid of the gout once and for all. This is because those pills are the only hope known to them. For some them, they still believe that whatever medicine that their doctors recommend will somehow make their body healthier and stronger.
Many have been repeating the same cycle of seeing a doctor, listen to the same advice, getting the similar medication, and suffer another round of gout attack not long after that, for years. Some managed to wake up someday and start looking for some alternative gout treatments, while some others still continue their standard 'Gouty Routine' for as long as their medical insurance can still cover the bills.
Usually those who are not willing to learn more about the disease themselves or choose not to believe in alternative healthcare are those who still have active medical insurance coverage. They still prefer to go to their favorite hospital and get the same medical consultation (despite the fact that those pills do not really make them feel any better) is because they think they have already paid for that service through their monthly medical insurance payment.
As a matter of fact, there is nothing wrong with alternative healthcare. As long as you understand how a particular treatment works. And it is very hard for any authority to regulate the alternative healthcare community because they just cannot systemize or classify the world of alternative healthcare like what they did to the conventional medical practice.
The reason that natural alternative healthcare is not accepted by most people is because it is not part of the game of the medical industry. Insurance companies rather alliance with the Big Pharmas, this kind of partnership is so strong that it is the insurance companies that decide what drugs the doctors are allowed to prescribe to the patients so that the bills are eligible for insurance claim.
Is that not a system of insanity? How can you surrender the right to your health to the hands of a group of organized insurance salesman? If you do not want to let those forever increasing medical bills to make you really insane in the future, they you should start to take charge of your health by learning more about it, yourself.
Conventional medical approach will never find the cure for Gout because they are not dealing with The Root Cause of Gout which is High Uric Acid. Find out the shocking ugly truth of our modern healthcare industry and the alternative solution for Gout at Truth of Gout.Com.