Making Cabinet Garage Storage Shelves Work
Cabinets are great in a garage. They make the garage look cleaner and neater since you can hide all of your things inside them. They can help you organize your things more easily and you are able to separate items that should not be stored together.
But what are the drawbacks and how can you overcome them? One issue is that they take up more space than open shelving. If space is not a significant issue in your garage, this should not be a problem but if you have a smaller garage, you do need to consider how much space the cabinets will take up. Be sure to measure before you buy cabinet garage storage shelves.
You also have to take into consideration that you are going to have to open those cabinet doors. Measure how big the cabinet doors are and be sure that you will be able to open them in the space that you are planning to put them in your garage. You might even try making a mock cabinet out of cardboard so that you can clearly tell if the cabinets you are looking at will fit in your space.
Once you have your cabinets, be sure that you organize like things together. Putting all of the lawn chemicals in one cabinet instead of in several can save you time when you are looking for your lawn fertilizer. You may also want to label the outside of the cabinets so that you know what is in them. This can be especially helpful if you do not use certain items very often. This way you just have to look at the outside of the cabinets instead of digging through them.