An Account of Obama From the Left

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I want to make a list of the Obama accomplishments.
Now, if I look at this from conservative, natural, point of view then obviously I can only come up with disaster after disaster so I'll change my vantage point as it were.
I will try to look at this from the point of view of the average libit who voted for Oprah's "The Blessed One".
1) Closing Gitmo Was there ever a more polarizing issue than Gitmo? There were, in modern history,  fewer more evident instances of the left "international" sympathizing with terrorists at the expense of Americans and especially at the expense of American military men and women? How many stories have you read condemning the tortured life led by Gitmo detainees forced to eat medium rare rack-of-lamb when they specifically ordered well done? Of course that justifies that the innocents detained in Gitmo throw feces and urine at the professionals who guard them with kid gloves.
How many MSM  stories have you read about the actions of those incarcerated at Gitmo either pre-incarcertation or after being released? .
Obama declared that it be closed, admitted that he has no idea how to do it and where to send the prisoners and that's that.
No matter because Gitmo is still going strong save for a few Uighers swimming in Bermuda.
Did I miss the Newsweek article condemning Obama for not closing Gitmo? 2) Terrorist Surveillance The left was fit to be tied - more so than Comme d'habitude- over this one issue.
How many of them called Bush and Cheney Nazis, Hitler, Satan etc over this issue.
How many of them said that the rights of Americans are  violated by tapping the conversations of terrorists originating or ending in the US?  What has Obama done about it? Zilch, nada, nothing.
In fact merely days ago  a seven person alleged terrorist ring was arrested due in large part to intelligence learned from "domestic wire tapping".
All of a sudden the leftists are dead quiet on this.
Not a word out of the lot of them?  Well, I suppose its all OK now.
3) Nukes The left was ecstatic that Oprah's "The Blessed One" decided to unilaterally disarm the United States of those dastardly weapons the evil white men created.
It will reduce the risk of nuclear war they said.
  Well, sure but isn't the risk of nuclear war much higher if Iran and North Korea has deploy-able nukes? What has Obama done to address that issue? Nothing.
What is the left and the MSM saying about that issue? Nothing 4) Patriot Act I wonder how the deluge of ink that so liberally poured form liberal left wing pens in condemnation of the Patriot Act dried up so fast.
Obama renewed the act and received if not standing ovations at the very least approving nods from the left.
Wow, did the left actually bothered to finally read the thing or is there something more sinister at work? 5) Defensive Missile shield Do you remember how the media characterized the defense missile shield? Oh my God, they called it stupid, unworkable, overpriced and that was just during the developmental stage.
When it was time to deploy it the Libits  and  the Drivel-by-media went apoplectic.
  Here is a link to a cover article by Time,"What Does the World Think of Bush's Missile Shield (Hint:Not Much)"Oh yeah, the Chinese and Moscow and everyone else was against it and according to Time Rag it will launch a new nuclear arms race and la di da.
None of that has happened but guess what? Obama isn't scrapping the shield either.
Did I miss the Time Rag article titled "What Does the  World Think of Obama's Missile Shield( Hint: Still Not Much)?" No of course not, now the shield is OK because Obama is president and he makes it all just peachy! 6) Employment For how many months on end did the left and the MSM try to sabotage the US economy as it emerged out of the Clinton recession? What was their mantra? It was "jobless recovery" wasn't it.
Do you remember what the average unemployment numbers were at that time? Unemployment was 4.
1% in 2000 , peaked at 6.
3% in June of '03 then dropped  rapidly  to 4.
5 % in may of  '07.
Obama spent more money than all past US presidents combined, promised us that the economy will recover and unemployment will not go over 8%.
Now its over 10% and the left is saying what? Nothing.
So again from a leftist perspective I am just wondering what exactly is it that Obama has accomplished for those of you who voted for him other than making sure that you have no jobs, are being spied on by the US government, the world hates you because he hasn't closed Gitmo  and because he is still deploying the missile shield and you now live with a higher nuclear threat than anytime in the past twenty years? Oh its probably Bush's fault.
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