Why Organic - Why Not - Why You Should Be Choosing Organic And Sustainable Products
It literally is a toxic haven and I am angered and frustrated at the inability to find even a minuscule array of true organic products that will not harm me or my environment.
The extreme over consumers that we lovely humans have become accustomed and even a slave to is ridiculous and embarrassing.
Let me ask you this...
What do you intend to tell your children or your grand children when they cannot swim in the ocean or any water way for that matter because it is completely unsafe? When it is too hot to go outdoors without 60 plus sunscreen or the fear of a third degree burn? When the amount of weird and wonderful diseases that they will face cannot be explained (though could have been prevented and cured) due to over stuffing them with a cocktail of who knows what both internally and externally for a vast number of years? Are you smirking at these remarks and thinking to yourself that this is an impossible notion.
Is it really? If you have read a newspaper or listened to the radio recently you would realise that this is not so impossible anymore.
The chemicals in your skincare and your food are absorbed directly into your system and passed directly into your immediate environment.
Have you ever heard the saying 'Little Hinges Swing Big Doors'.
It only takes small mistakes to cause catastrophic damage yet it only takes a small amount of effort and change to cause the opposite.
So which side of the fence are you on? Kevin Farrow; creator of The Alchemist Natural Beauty Range and Store Owner in his latest book 'Skin Deep' talks about our society being the first to choose commerce over health.
He seems to be right as we all knowingly poison ourselves everyday.
He also discovers in detail the real truths about chemicals and their testing, the political arena surrounding this industry, the big companies and in detail, every chemical you should be scared of and need to take out of your daily regime.
Kevin also mentions that there are now over 200 synthetic chemicals found in our bodies that weren't even invented in 1900.
For a list of toxic ingredients please visit my website.
So what I'm wondering is, do you actually know what the jargon is that is placed on the behind of your 'beauty' products? Are your truly aware of what you lovingly lather all over yourself everyday? More importantly, are you taking action and choosing sustainable products? Whilst on the subject of chemical nasties and the under regulated big industry giants who line their pockets at the expense of your health...
how is it that the Organic and Bio Dynamic Farming Industry who produce our goods naturally and how they once originally were have to pay large sums and undergo a lengthy test process to prove themselves to be 'Organic' when the companies producing products full of toxic chemicals, additives, fertilizers and antibiotics don't pay a cent and don't have to label their goods to any suitable standard? Why are we not all asking for the latter to label their products for exactly what they are...
Where is the common sense? What the real issue is here is changing our lazy ways and taking responsibility.
I could moan about this for hours but I don't.
I trot off to my local Organic Farmers Market and buy my goods.
I shop for my healthy whole foods, natural beauty products, fantastic eco friendly cleaning products and my medicinal herbs all at my local health food shop or my healthy supermarket or better yet I can do it all online now and have it delivered.
I can do this because I am lucky to have it readily available to me and I allow time to educate myself and make an effort.
You also can too.
Is it more expensive to shop this way...
sometimes but generally not if you shop smart? Is it worth making the effort for my health, the taste, the feel and a clear conscience that I am doing what is best for my body, for future generations and my environment; ABSOLUTELY! In fact I quite enjoy it.
don't you just know that feeling you get when you do something for the good of yourself and for others.
It's warm and fuzzy.
Moving on...
I won't continue to lecture or enlighten you.
All I am asking you to do is use your common sense and awareness and make an effort for the benefit of YOU and for a sustainable future for our planet.
Its just little hinges..
Happy & Smart Shopping!