Always Be a Winner in Online Bingo!
Grab the Chance of Winning in Online Bingo
In 90 ball bingo, there are 3 ways you can win. First, strike off one row of numbers in the bingo card,. If you manage to strike off two rows of numbers, then also you win. The last but not least, if you get to strike the entire three rows, then you get a full house. You get a prize for all these stages. Suppose there are more people who win the game, then money is divided among them equally.
In traditional 75 ball bingo game, there are 24 numbers between 1 and 75 on the bingo tickets. Plus, you can strike off a featured pattern on the tickets to win a prize.. The pattern can be simple shapes including letters or numbers.
You can also play the 80 ball bingo. The tickets of this version of bingo has 4 X 4 matrix of numbers. The numbers in each row are represented by different colors. This game seems quite like the US version of playing bingo.
There is another version of this game which is quite short in duration and is aptly named speed bingo and mini bingo. It has tickets which contain nine squares in a 3 X 3 matrix. The game is now being preferred by bingo lovers due to its short duration. Each round of the game ends in minutes and every hour, there are winners.
As far as bingo is concerned, Internet surfing for good sites is an excellent idea. While playing this game, you feel find that there isn't a boring moment at all and you may continue to play this game life-long. Now you must be thinking why there are several variations of bingo? It because bingo travelled to different parts of the world, and each place left its mark on the game. People in these countries played this game with keen enthusiasm and experimented with the rules. This led to different variations of the bingo and you can play all of these versions online.