Diabetes Medical Reference

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Diabetes Medical Reference

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Medical ReferenceRelated to Diabetes

  1. Diabetes: Coping With Your Feelings About Your Diet

    Our emotions influence what we eat, when we eat, and how much we eat. So, feelings can interfere with your ability to follow your diet for diabetes.If you feel that certain foods, such as chocolate cake, are "bad, " you may feel guilty after eating a piece.If you are angry because you think you can't eat the foods you like, you may feel resentful.If you are afraid that you may gain weight or ...
  2. Diabetes: Taking Care of Your Feet

    When you have diabetes, your feet need extra care and attention. Diabetes damages the nerve endings and blood vessels in your feet, making you less likely to notice when your feet are injured. Diabetes also interferes with your body's ability to fight infection. If you develop a minor foot injury, it could become an ulcer or develop into a serious infection. With good foot care, you can prevent ..
  3. Diabetic Neuropathy - Health Tools

    Health Tools help you make wise health decisions or take action to improve your health.Actionsets are designed to help people take an active role in managing a health condition. Diabetes: Checking Your Blood Sugar
  4. Sulfonylureas for Type 2 Diabetes

    Drug details for Sulfonylureas for type 2 diabetes.
  5. Diabetic Neuropathy - Topic Overview

    Some people with diabetes use their insulin syringes more than once to save money. Talk with your doctor before reusing your syringes. Some people who have diabetes should not reuse their syringes, including people who have:Trouble seeing clearly.Trouble using their hands.Infections or open wounds.Some precautions to take if you reuse syringes:Put the cover back on the needle after use. The safest way to do this is to place the cover and syringe on a flat surface and slide the cover over the needle without letting the needle touch either the flat surface or your fingers. Only the inside of the cover should touch the needle. Do not hold the syringe straight up; you may accidentally stick yourself.Do not clean the needle with alcohol. Alcohol removes the silicone covering on the needle, causing it to become dull.Store the syringes at room temperature. It is best to store them with the covered needle pointing up to prevent insulin from blocking the needle opening.Dispose of reused
  6. Diabetic Neuropathy - Topic Overview

    What is gastroparesis?Gastroparesis is a disorder in which the stomach requires significantly more than its normal 1½ to 2 hours to empty. The delay results in bothersome and possibly serious symptoms because digestion is altered.What causes gastroparesis?Gastroparesis occurs when the nerves to the stomach are damaged or don't work. Diabetes is the most common cause. Other causes include some ...
  7. Diabetic Neuropathy - Introduction

    WebMD explains how those with diabetes should read food labels to determine if a food is healthy or not.
  8. Diabetic Neuropathy - Topic Overview

    If you have been diagnosed with prediabetes,you have an opportunity to prevent the progression of this condition to full-blown type 2 diabetes. Studies have shown that by getting regular exercise,changing your diet,and losing weight,you can play a key role in preventing diabetes. Any type of physical activity may be beneficial,such as: 1 Sports or other types of exercise,such as walking,...
  9. Type 2 Diabetes: Can You Cure It? - Topic Overview

    Can you reverse type 2 diabetes? Can you cure it? Diabetes can go into remission. When diabetes is in remission, you have no signs or symptoms of it. But your risk of relapse is higher than normal.1 That's why you make the same daily healthy choices that you do for active type 2 diabetes.Is there a cure for diabetes?There is no known cure for type 2 diabetes. But it can be controlled. And in some cases, it goes into remission. Keys to control For some people, a diabetes-healthy lifestyle is enough to control their blood sugar levels. That means losing weight if you are overweight, eating healthy foods, and being more active. But most people with type 2 diabetes also need to take one or more medicines or insulin. What is remission? Of those people who don't need diabetes medicine, some find that their diabetes does reverse with weight control, diabetes-healthy eating, and exercise. Their bodies are still able to make and use insulin, and their blood sugar levels go back to normal.
  10. Diabetic Neuropathy - Health Tools

    Health Tools help you make wise health decisions or take action to improve your health.Actionsets are designed to help people take an active role in managing a health condition. Diabetes: Living With an Insulin Pump

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