How to Set Your Website on the Fast Track to Success?
Dynamic and Unique website
Design a dynamic and unique website. Use same name for website and the domain name. Make your company's profile that is very clear, concise and complete. Make sure there is no broken link in your site. Add visible links related to your business plan, privacy policy and guarantee. Your site should not have any JavaScript error. Calls-to-action must be included at prominent places.
Use a User Friendly Design
Design a website while keeping the users in mind. Keep your site's loading speed good with using images with low file size. Images with 10-12kb file size are fine enough. Graphics should be used only when it is very important to use and it adds value to the content. Avoid using flash images. Always use reader friendly and standard layouts with a standard breadth and fond size. Use limited number of banners, links and advertisements on your website pages. Always test your website on different browsers to find out its functionality on different browsers.
Use Link Power
Sites which are linked to other sites are given higher rankings in search engines. So you should always link your site to other site, but while doing this remember one thing that links your site to valuable sites only which have high PR. This will give you increased and valuable traffic.
Choose a Directory based on your vision
If you are opting for content submission on directory sites, you should choose the site very carefully. Try to find out the site which can help you with your vision. Go through all the rules and guidelines very carefully. Decide a category after thinking and planning properly. View your site from a reader's and editor's point of view and bring the appropriate changes. Use title and summary that matches your content of the site. Your all the efforts, should be made in the direction of value addition to your website.
Increase the traffic
In order to increase traffic to your site you can submit your site to different web directories. For this you should search for the sites related to your niche so that you can boost your site's popularity and traffic both.
Page Rank Optimization
You can optimize page rank of your site by choosing valuable external links carefully. You should focus on quality over quantity because as per Google's new algorithm it will not only check the number of external links you are getting, but it will check from which kind of sites are getting your links. So you should also check the quality over page rank. Try to avoid linking to the sites which use reciprocal links. Your navigational system should be designed in a way which links important pages to other internal pages. This will help in improving the ranking or the major pages.
Make Site Map
Make site map a part of your website design and link it to all the pages. This helps in search engine crawling and gets every page of site indexed. Create an easy to use navigational layout. Incorporate site search tool in your website. Make your site very search engine friendly and keep the usage of frames, flash and graphics as low as you can.