How to Find Christian Musicians
- 1). Write an ad seeking musicians that play whichever instrument your band needs. List any other qualities on the ad that you think are important such as age, years of experience, type of music they should be familiar with, etc. Be sure to list your phone number or e-mail address.
- 2). Put the ad up in your local coffee shop, music store, church bulletin board and local college or university bulletin boards.
- 3). Place the ad on websites such as Christian Musicians for, Christian and Christian Music
- 4). Look for ads by musicians who play the instrument you need as you are placing your ad. Most of these Internet sites allow you to search by geographical location and instrument.
- 5). Tell the musicians you know in your church that you are looking for a musician to play a certain instrument. Word of mouth is often the best advertisement. They may even be able to recommend someone.