How to Dissolve an LLP
- 1). Reach out to your state's version of the Department of Assessment and Taxation (DAT) -- before filing for dissolution -- if you have outstanding tax payments. In California, for example, the equivalent to the "DAT" is known as the Franchise Tax Board. Explain your desire to dissolve an LLP to a "DAT" administrator and ask for any appropriate tax forms that must be filed.
- 2). Contact your department of state (DOS). Request an Articles of Dissolution Application and/or a Certificate of Cancellation if you are the only LLP partner seeking to dissolve. Ask a "DOS" administrator for a specialized LLP dissolution form if all partners intend to dissolve. The certificates of dissolution and cancellation are also required for ending a Limited Liability Corporation (LLC).
- 3). Fill out all forms in full. Enter your secretary of state filing number and the official name of your LLP as it is stated on your Articles of Incorporation. Return completed forms to the your "DAT" or "DOS" -- as directed per form and administrator instructions. Include any filing fees necessary for processing LLP dissolution forms. Consult form instructions and information for fee amounts.