Beware the Blondes - No Joke!

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Something occurred to me this morning - the fact that so many people I've ministered to have been blonde women.
They were pretty, well-groomed, had everything going for them, it seemed.
I soon learned they were wearing beautiful blonde masks.
Years ago, I invited a coworker - a pretty young blonde - to a Coffee Shop Bible study I was leading on Wednesday evenings.
It was right across from the local university and all the attendees were about her age.
I invited her and she accepted.
I was going in early to straighten-up, set-up chairs but, when I went out to my car, the engine wouldn't turn-over.
Frantic, I quickly called "the blonde" and asked her to swing by and get me.
She agreed.
The Bible Study was great; well-attended.
When my coworker brought me home, before I exited the car, I asked if I could pray for her.
She nodded enthusiastically and we bowed our heads.
By the time I finished, tears were rolling down her cheeks and she was digging in her purse for a Kleenex.
"No one has ever prayed for me in my life!" she exclaimed.
As she spoke about her shallow church experience, she revealed being raised in a denomination that seemed content to have the teen-agers "just show up," even though, she said, "many were still hung-over from Saturday night.
" They got nothing out of the experience and most stopped attending church services after turning 18 or going off to college.
I was reminded of that coworker after several encounters in the past few days with women in ministry situations, most of whom happened to be blonde.
Some of these ladies had similar stories.
They knew nothing about the Christian faith, despite their parents insisting they attend church as youngsters while their parents stayed home.
Though these women considered themselves to be Christians, they were definitely unfamiliar with the Bible and the teachings of Christ.
Another woman had recently received Christ into her life but was not being discipled.
She knew nothing of her new faith and it was no fault of her own.
With churches on every corner, most Americans considering themselves to be "Christian," how can this be so? These gals had much in common...
It's not just women! As I write, I'm reminded of a young man in myYouth Groupyears ago who attended a Christian school.
He told me he attended that school for years with a friend who - unbeknownst to him - wasn't even from a Christian family! That kid happened to be blonde.
There are success stories, too.
A friend of mine was deep into the chemical/substance/alcohol abuse culture years ago.
She lost her children to her ex-husband as a result of her lifestyle.
Today, she's a respected professional in her field, a gifted speaker, and her life with her new spouse is wonderful with Jesus as an integral part.
She's a blonde, by the way.
No, not all down-and-outers look the part.
With so many people wearing masks of one form or another - disguises that will keep you from knowing their "real" selves - many will pass right by as potential ministry candidates.
Last night, we were asked to go to the house of a young lady regarding a domestic abuse matter.
Formerly a church-going lady, the home was littered with cigarette cartons, beer and liquor bottles, filth everywhere.
I ministered to her and, today, was asked by her husband what time our church group meets.
I have great hope for her.
After all, she's a blonde.
It doesn't matter that these individuals have yellow hair.
The point I'm making is this: We all know people who look good, smell good, dress well and seem to have it all together.
The may be blonde but they may be Black, Hispanic, elderly, wealthy...
let us not be deceived into thinking, just because they look good outwardly, surely they must have it all together inwardly.
To believe this is to walk in deception.
I was visiting a company in far East Texas when a statuesque woman with beautiful finger nails and a sharp suit asked if we could talk.
Within moments she was crying, burdened by unresolved issues from her past and heartbreaks from her childhood.
She was a church-goer.
A blonde.
I could go on and on.
No joke! Don't shy away from sharing the love of God with anyone, regardless of how "polished" they may appear.
Don't hesitate to lend a listening ear to anybody at all.
I recently had lunch with a high-powered business man.
Years ago, his wedding guests included Heads of State and many other dignitaries and celebrities.
With everything to live for - including a beautiful fiancee - he began dabbling in the occult and, in time, was a breath away from blowing his own head off with a gun.
Years later, when we met, the first sentence I heard him speak was "My wife and I believe we are Ambassadors for the Lord everywhere we go...
" No, he was not a blonde but, by now, you get the picture.
No one is immune; everyone has potential to become Satan's worst nightmare.
Every blessing, Michael Tummillo Workplace Chaplain Founder, The Church @ Work
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