School, Homework and Studies From Pre-K to HS
Don't shrug this article off if you're pregnant, have a newborn or a preschooler- your day will come soon and you'll want to be mentally prepared. Unbelievably, preschoolers have homework unless they are in a Montessori or, I think, a Waldorf school. You'll probably want them to be a smart preschooler, knowing letters and numbers and be as involved as early as possible with their education. School is our child's job.
So, how to cope with school, homework, studying, memorizing, drilling, test prep? By giving nothing short of our precious time. Remember is this: even though it may not be our #1 favorite thing, it means the world to your child. I usually prescribe parents doing their own homework with their child at the kitchen table, giving them the breathing room to try on their own, and you're there if they need a hand.
What, you may ask, is your homework? Bank statements, emails, bill paying, quicken entries, surfing, research, chopping veggies or just faking it so you can connect and be in their proximity. When I was in my Master's program, my son, Mark, and I did homework at our well-lit dining room table. It was bonding time, we kept up on each others' world, and homework wasn't so lonely. Or was it €misery loves company'? I don't know, a bit of both, I suppose, but we were compadres and neither of us suffered alone.
A few tips: make it as fun as possible. Race each other or compete against yourself- How much can we finish before the timer goes off? Have a favorite movie picked out to watch together as soon as we finish our work. And checking your work is part of the game. Swap each others' papers and check for errors. Have a plate of goodies to snack on. Quiz each other on content and be ready for exams. It's really a stealth way to be involved without being annoying.
I hope you enjoyed this wee article. I'll supply a Homework and School article the first week of every month to hopefully inspire you to wisely use your precious few moments with this person you love more than anyone on earth. Your child really will grow up and leave. The older they are, the less influence you have, so whether you have a tot, tween or teen, dive into this relationship-building tool€¦ homework.
Blessings and Aloha to you and your entire family,
Since 1995, Lorraine Pursell, The Parent Mentor, has devoted her life to helping families have harmony and balance. She's a Marriage, Family and Child Counselor and a board certified educational therapist. Go to for your FREE radio show €The 12 Secrets to SAFE, HAPPY and CONFIDENT KIDS in the 21st Century€.