Medical questions about sleep
Sleep is also necessary in order to stay fit. Without a good sleep, one cannot maintain a good health. After the daily working of our various organs and muscles, it is necessary to sleep and allow them to rest and calm down as well.
As per a scientific study, every individual needs a minimum sleep of 6 hours during night. The duration of the sleep usually depends on the age of a person. The senior citizens as well as the kids sleep for a fairly long duration that than the people in the other age groups.
Most the people have various medical questions about sleep. They don't understand the benefits and detriment of sleep. Some of the medical questions about sleep are answered below.
Why is sleep necessary?
A good sleep is very necessary in order to make ourselves feel fresh and relaxed. One definitely feels better after getting up from a good sleep. We can see that our thoughts get much clear and better after having a good sleep. A real good sleep after a hectic schedule gives a great pleasure and relief to your body. It refreshes you. You can see that after getting up from sleep, your emotions are much positive as well as less fragile. A study shows that if an individual doesn't sleep, it affects his ability to learn new things and adapt information.
When should we sleep?
There a famous saying, "Early to bed early to rise makes a person healthy wealthy and wise". It is very true. One must sleep early and get up early. This creates good habits and reflects the personality of an individual. Here, early can be defined as within a period of time after your dinner. The usual time when an individual must sleep should be around 22 hours. If you undergo a good sleep, your day will start in a fresh manner. This will reflect on your working ability. At the end of the day, you will come back as a wealthy wise and definitely a healthy person. However the duration of the sleep differs from person to personas per their age, occupation, health and so on.
What are the symptoms of sleep disturbance?
There are some symptoms or signs that show up on the health or behavior of person. They show that the person lacks his sleeping habits. It affects his daily routine. Some of the symptoms of sleep disturbance are mentioned below.
€ Constant state of tiredness
€ Relationship problems
€ Using sleeping pills
€ Descending performance at work place
€ Laziness
€ Unable to concentrate
€ Changes in appetite
We must understand that sleep is a very important component of our daily life. We must not skip sleeping. That results into spoiling or making lazy the next whole day. If you have more such medical questions about sleep, your doctor is the best person whom you can consult.