How to Make 50th Wedding Anniversary Invitations
- 1). Determine the style of your party. If you are having a classic "golden" wedding anniversary party, your card will be traditional. If you are having a more casual celebration, perhaps a big family barbecue, your invitation can be more fun and creative.
- 2). Gather your party information. Determine where and when the event will be and any other party information you need to pass on. If the party is a surprise, include this information so that your guests won't let the secret slip.
- 3). Scan some favorite photos. Perfect for the less-traditional invitation, include a photo of the wedding couple then and now. Use it on the front of your invitation. For a more traditional invitation, use just the original wedding image on the inside of the card and keep the front of the card clear for a fancy font and perhaps a poem or a piece of significant artwork.
- 4). Use a template that matches the card size you are using. Most desktop publishing software has a place where you can customize the size of your paper, or you may be able to download a template to match your card stock.
- 5). Place your images and text. For your card front you may want to place an image of the wedding couple, a poem or artwork with the text "You're Invited," or "50th Wedding Anniversary." For a more contemporary card you can do a split-screen with two images on your card front.
- 6). Type in the text on the inside of the card with all the party details. Use a script-type font that is easily readable for guests of all ages for a traditional styled card. Use a plainer font for a more contemporary invitation.
- 7). Print out your cards from your home computer, or take your digital files to a print shop. Use high-quality settings on your printer to ensure sharp, crisp graphics and text.