How to Make a Ribbon Rose
- 1). Gather your supplies: ribbon with wire edges, needle, and thread.
- 2). Begin with the small ribbon. Begin rolling the ribbon to form the center of the rose. The wire edge on the ribbon keeps the shape.
- 3). Keep wrapping the ribbon, gradually pulling the ribbon down so the ribbon is beneath the center roll.
- 4). Pinch the bottom of the wrapped ribbon so it is flat. Begin stitching the bottom flat portion closed to hold it together. Snip the ribbon off. You have a pink rose bud.
- 5). Take the second color of ribbon and fold over the top portion to hide the edge. Pinch the second ribbon together at the bottom with the first rose bud in pink. Keep wrapping the cream-colored ribbon until it looks like a rose. Play with this until it looks right.
- 6). Cut the ribbon and begin positioning the ribbon where you want it. Stitch the edge and bottom of the ribbon together. Form the bottom with your fingers to the shape you want.