Why Do People Wear Bifocals?
- Bifocals were invented by Ben Franklin in the 1700s. He attached reading lenses on top of glasses used for distance. The concept has stayed the same over the years, but the technology has improved greatly.
- Flat-top bifocal. Findingeyelgasses.com.
People usually wear one of two basic types of bifocals: lenses with lines and lenses without. Lined bifocals usually look like a small, upside-down half moon in the bottom of a lens. No lines, also called progressives, are less visible and have multiple focal points. - Bifocals work similarly to magnifying glasses by enlarging smaller detail such as fine print but are prescribed for distance and to read up close without changing glasses.
- Bifocals help you to read at a proper distance. Joi.
Standard bifocals, the type with the lines, allow you to see at two points far away with your distance and one near point. No-line bifocals let you to read at multiple distances. These work well for computers and reading music, or other work that might be done at arm's length. - Before being fit for bifocals, make sure you discuss all of your reading, and up-close occupational and recreational needs. People can wear more than one type of lens, and have different types of bifocals for work and home.