File Credit Dispute - Increase Credit Score by 20 Points
There are many long and tedious methods to increase your credit score but the one I will outline is almost like a, "riffle approach," where you implement one massive method over and over again, and it works like a charm.
Now before I go on, I just want to remind you of the benefits of having a good credit score.
You can get lower interest rates; be approved for larger lines of credit and much more! The benefits really are endless as I could go on and on making a list.
The one thing you should be concerned with is always trying to increase your credit score no matter.
OK so onto the method that will help you gain 20 points towards your credit rating.
Step 1 Get all 3 copies of your credit report from all 3 credit reporting agencies Step 2 Scan through them all and make sure most of the information is similar Step 3 Write a dispute letter to all 3 credit reporting agencies notifying them that you are questioning everything on your report.
Furthermore, make 3 templates with 3 different letterheads to go out to each credit agency.
Now what this will do is prompt the credit firms to check over your entire credit report carefully.
They will go through each item and there is always bound to be one mistake or another.
Now, take that one mistake across all 3-credit reports and you have yourself 20 points.
It's as simple as that.
This is basically known as the 1-2 punch.
Now you can use this method every 2-3 months by making sure their at least is a 30-day gap in between disputes filed.
This will give you 20 points in a hurry and really that's all you should be concerned about.
Your credits score is the thing you should be working towards improving! If you are not you are already behind.