Make Money on Ebay - Easy 3 Step Plan and Wholesale Sources
You just need to answer a few questions and you will be in business before you know it.
Registering on eBay is free but it will cost you to sell on eBay.
Read the eBay seller tutorials so that you understand the cost associated with listing your products.
Decide what to sell on eBay If you are a beginner to eBay you might want to sell something from around your house.
Find something that you don't want anymore but make sure the item has value.
You don't want to list junk your first time on the block.
Find something that you think someone else will buy.
When you list the product, keep the listing simple.
Use only one picture and be honest with your description.
You want to price your item fairly and get a good review.
After you get the hang of selling items you will need to find more products.
Many eBay power sellers use drop shippers.
A drop shipper will normally have a large selection of items from which to select.
The good thing about a drop shipper is that they take care of the inventory and shipping.
Many of the drop shipping companies have pre made eBay ads.
This is a great time saver and as you sell more products on eBay you will need to save as much time as possible.
Get a reliable wholesale source This is not easy.
It took me years to find wholesalers and drop shippers that offered great products at low prices.
You also want suppliers that have good customer service and don't frequently run out of product.
There is nothing worse than selling an item on eBay and then finding out that your drop ship company doesn't have the item in inventory any more.
Some of the drop ship companies that I use have many different products and some specialize in certain products.
I have one drop ship company that I use for electronics such as digital cameras and another that focuses on auto parts.
Bottom line is that to become an eBay power seller you will need a good supplier.
The other big problem is that most people over analyze the process instead of just getting started.
Find a good drop shipper and start selling on eBay today!