Finding Video Guitar Lessons That Work
When we decide to learn to play an instrument in addition to our other activities, most of our friends and family just smile and shake their heads.
Almost everyone has thought about those things they would like to do.
Many of us were busy working and raising kids and never had the opportunity to play the guitar even though we knew we would have been great at it.
When we have the change to learn, we usually look for some type of land based or video guitar lessons that will be affordable and not require us to make a lot of sacrifices in our activity schedule.
Having already had a terrifying experience in a land based ski class with a four year old, I knew that land based lessons probably were not for me.
There is something about being over fifty and having a four year old follow you down a bunny slope repeatedly helping you up while laughing, that takes the fun out of learning new things as you get older.
Video guitar lessons would give me a way to learn the guitar without the need for me to sit in the "special" grown-up chair with the toddler guitar group.
Now, I just needed to find the lessons that would be affordable and available when I needed them to be.
Knowing the genre that I wanted to learn made the search a little easier as I started comparing sites.
Like most people, I do not have the flexibility in my day to add any activities.
Even when I really want to do or learn something I have to think about how I am going to squeeze it in and what to drop to be able to do it.
This is another reason that land-based lessons would not work for me.
Looking at all the websites that taught lessons in my genre, I needed to find the package that would fit my needs.
Most of the sites were beautiful and flashy.
But I do not know anything about playing the guitar and many sites are built on the assumption that people know what those little things that stick out of the neck of the guitar are.
Narrowing down the sites was pretty easy when I watched the introductory videos.
They each have one that talks about their lessons, what a person can learn, etc.
I was looking for two things in the videos.
First, I wanted a regular person that was not scary and did not promise to make me a rock star.
Next, I needed a video that could teach a left-handed person to play a right-handed instrument.
This sounds easy, but for any lefties out there, you know how time consuming it can be to translate right-handed directions.
When I found the video guitar lessons that worked for me they were affordable and gave me what I wanted.
I can watch them as many times as I need to when working on lessons.
I can do it in my house, behind a closed door, where no one else can hear.
And best of all, there is no four year old Jimi Hendrix telling me to hurry up.