How to Fight a Lien on a House
- 1). Contact the contractor to discuss the lien. Initiate attempts to resolve the lien, such as a payment arrangement to satisfy an outstanding invoice or allowing the contractor to complete unfinished work, prior to making your payment in full.
- 2). Obtain a letter of satisfaction from the contractor that verifies your fulfillment of the contract price, plus any additional late fees and interest payments.
- 3). File your document reflecting "Paid in Full" with the courthouse for your county. Speak with a clerk of the court to request the filing of your document and to inquire about procedures for removing a lien in your state.
- 4). Hire an attorney who can offer legal advice and assistance toward the removal of a lien against your home if your actions are unsuccessful. Provide your attorney with details that created a dispute and a lien against your home.
- 5). Go to court with your attorney to fight the lien against your home. Take legal notices or Better Business Bureau complaints against the contractor to court with you.