Special DNA Tests - Safe DNA Samples - DNA ID Card
A KIDSafeDNATM ID card is a specially designed ID card that displays a child's actual genetic profile. In addition to that, other items/information such as a photo, fingerprint, date of birth, sex, height, weight, hair and eye color, and any unique physical characteristics such as birth marks or scars, may also be included on the card. Many parents may already have some sort of identification card for their child (with a photo and fingerprint), but we are sure that none are equivalent to a KIDSafeDNAâ„¢ ID! What makes KIDSafeDNAâ„¢ so different is that it contains a child's unique genetic profile, also known as a DNA fingerprint. The (STR DNA) profile, or DNA fingerprint, is generated by an advanced analysis of fifteen genetic loci. From this analysis, the alleles (or forms of a gene) are determined for that child, which are unique to that child only (unless he/she has an identical twin).
The powerful DNA profiling technology of KIDSafeDNAâ„¢ can be a valuable tool for child protection, personal identification, adoption, protection against life insurance fraud, protection of assets of large estates, wills, testaments, and much more. In many worst case scenarios, i.e. child abduction, having only a child's picture and fingerprint may not be enough to aid authorities in search and recovery efforts. With time, pictures are no longer accurate representations and the true identity of a person can be concealed. Fingerprints can be altered, and in many cases, those found at a crime scene may not be clean enough to prove a positive match. DNA does not change. Since a DNA fingerprint can positively identify an individual (or his/her biological sample) to 99.9999+%, it is the most effective and conclusive method of identification. This STR DNA profile system used in KIDSafeDNAâ„¢ is compatible with CODIS, a searchable DNA databank, used by the FBI and law enforcement as a key tool to help identify and recover missing persons.
The powerful DNA profiling technology of KIDSafeDNAâ„¢ can be a valuable tool for child protection, personal identification, adoption, protection against life insurance fraud, protection of assets of large estates, wills, testaments, and much more. In many worst case scenarios, i.e. child abduction, having only a child's picture and fingerprint may not be enough to aid authorities in search and recovery efforts. With time, pictures are no longer accurate representations and the true identity of a person can be concealed. Fingerprints can be altered, and in many cases, those found at a crime scene may not be clean enough to prove a positive match. DNA does not change. Since a DNA fingerprint can positively identify an individual (or his/her biological sample) to 99.9999+%, it is the most effective and conclusive method of identification. This STR DNA profile system used in KIDSafeDNAâ„¢ is compatible with CODIS, a searchable DNA databank, used by the FBI and law enforcement as a key tool to help identify and recover missing persons.