Selecting The best Car Hire Agencies
The conditions to get a car for rent may vary according to the brand or size of the car. The rented vehicle should be returned in a good condition and should not exceed the prescribed driving distance or kilometres by the car agency. If the distance exceeds the normal prescribed one, the agency will ask for extra payment for extra kilometres. In addition to this, there is a minimum age for the vehicle driver, mostly 18 or 21 but in some cases it is 25. In today's technological world the introduction of GPS (Global positioning System) technology which is used to limit the speed of the car and also to locate the vehicle in case of any mishap. A majority of car rental agencies insists the use of credit cards to make it easier to identify the person who steals the car or to charge additional fees, if any defect is later found with the car after the car is returned to the agency.
The information or documentation to collect a car are passport or any other identification similar to that, driver's license, prepaid car voucher and a valid credit car in the driver's name. Different types of insurance coverage will be offered to add money on to the base rental rate. But most of these insurance are covered by the personal auto insurance policy. Some credit card covers the damage or theft of the rented car. Most credit cards which offer this feature only cover basic models which do not include SUV's and luxury cars.
There are certain requirements to meet before taking a Singapore car rental. They are-know the age requirement of the driver. Compare the rent of different agencies. Determine whether it is a free upgrade or discounted rate. The classes of the car depend on the different brands at different car rental agencies. Rental cars will be typically the base models. Book the vehicle as soon as possible to avoid the confusion during travel. Before providing the credit card number, ask about the cancellation policy. Give rent only for the needs. If two people are going to drive, make sure that both of their names should be in the agreement. Inspect the car before taking it from the car agency. Fill the fuel before returning the car to avoid charging a premium. Ask for map and directions to the destination. Take a membership of a rental agency to avail special offers, if the traveller is frequent renter. Make sure the mileage policy is favourable so that to avoid extra charge.
These few steps will make select the best car hire services. They will make your trip more convenient and comfortable.