How to Recognize the Symptoms of Meningitis
Two types of Meningitis are often considered by the doctors & physicians: One is the Viral Meningitis & the other is Bacterial Meningitis. Symptoms of this disease are different in people belonging to different ages. Like in infants the symptoms would be much clear & visible for prompt diagnosis of this disease as compared to symptoms in the adult, younger & older peoples.
Most common of all are: If the patient is suffering from fever, excessive coughing, irritability, headache, confusion, vomiting, Sleepiness & skin or neck rashes are the most common symptoms appearing on the people of all ages. Some physicians often after diagnosing all the above-mentioned signs declare the patient to be suffering from Meningitis but some often go ahead & conduct certain important tests to further make sure if there isn't any other disease of which the patient is suffering & that satisfactory diagnosis can provide with the most reliable cure & treatment to the patient. This is because of the reason that Viral meningitis attack is the mildest one & is cured & treated through some specific modes but often at certain stages particular tests & ultrasound reports also prove to be helpful in the cure of viral meningitis. As far is the Bacterial Meningitis is concerned, it is considered to be the most dangerous form of Meningitis as it can result in even death of the patient because of false diagnosis & improper treatment or this type itself is very dangerous & causes immediate death if mis-handled.
So, it makes obligatory for the physicians & doctors to undergo certain tests & repeated check-ups in order to ensure proper diagnosis for meningitis. There is another reason that certain symptoms often result in diagnosis of some other disease not in relevance & consequently can result in mal-treatment & hence causes complete distortion & break down of the nervous system which is considered to be the main highway for communication between the brain & the rest of the body.
If accurate & effective treatment is provided to the patient then it will heal the disease in very limited duration.
Most common of all are: If the patient is suffering from fever, excessive coughing, irritability, headache, confusion, vomiting, Sleepiness & skin or neck rashes are the most common symptoms appearing on the people of all ages. Some physicians often after diagnosing all the above-mentioned signs declare the patient to be suffering from Meningitis but some often go ahead & conduct certain important tests to further make sure if there isn't any other disease of which the patient is suffering & that satisfactory diagnosis can provide with the most reliable cure & treatment to the patient. This is because of the reason that Viral meningitis attack is the mildest one & is cured & treated through some specific modes but often at certain stages particular tests & ultrasound reports also prove to be helpful in the cure of viral meningitis. As far is the Bacterial Meningitis is concerned, it is considered to be the most dangerous form of Meningitis as it can result in even death of the patient because of false diagnosis & improper treatment or this type itself is very dangerous & causes immediate death if mis-handled.
So, it makes obligatory for the physicians & doctors to undergo certain tests & repeated check-ups in order to ensure proper diagnosis for meningitis. There is another reason that certain symptoms often result in diagnosis of some other disease not in relevance & consequently can result in mal-treatment & hence causes complete distortion & break down of the nervous system which is considered to be the main highway for communication between the brain & the rest of the body.
If accurate & effective treatment is provided to the patient then it will heal the disease in very limited duration.