Common Pollutants to Avoid for Optimal Health

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Pollutants are invariably linked to disease. They create the acidic, toxic environment in the body that bacteria thrive in. So, if we are serious about maintaining optimum health, then we have to be aware of the pollutants we are exposed to, and ensure that we avoid them.

It is becoming more and more difficult to do this in the indus-trialized nations, as pollutants are just about everywhere - in the air, in our water and in virtually all consumer products. Total vigilance is now required.

1. The Air
Our atmosphere is thick with pollutants, and virtually impossible to avoid completely. However, clean air is our most pressing need, and we should address this first. Invest in an ozone generator which is about the size of a small vacuum cleaner. Regularly jet the rooms in your home with a stream of ozone. Not only will this clean the air, but also kill all bacteria.

2. Drinking Water
The quality of tap water has completely deteriorated, and has long ago ceased to be safe. This is the second most important step we can take to optimal health, and should not be overlooked. An investment in a good quality water filter is money well spent. But make sure it is the type that can remove bacteria.

If you have any doubt about the water which you are consuming have it tested. It is absolutely shocking to see what is lurking in there. Furthermore municipalities dose water with chlorine to kill microbes, and have even taken to fluoridating it ostensibly to help up prevent tooth decay. (Like they could care)

Both of these chemicals are highly toxic, and we certainly do not want to ingest them. Make sure that the filter you install can remove chlorine and fluoride.

3. Food
The amount of chemicals that have found their way into our foodstuffs is nothing short of terrifying. We need to be smart and check out the labels on foodstuff on supermarket shelves before buying them. Make sure you take your glasses with because the printing on the list of ingredients is deliberately made so small as to render it illegible. Chemicals we should be on the lookout for are as follows:

MSG (monosodium glutamate) - avoid it like the plague

Aspartame - found in most artificial sweeteners, and diet drinks. It turns to wood alcohol at room temperatures, and is very toxic.

Canola Oil
There is no such plant as a canola. It is an acronym for Canada Oil. It come from the Rape seed, and is only good for use in a tractor sump.

High Fructose Corn Syrup - Avoid like the plague.

This is a vegetable oil that has been hydrogenized. This is a process in which hydrogen is combined with the oil to make it a solid, and involves very high temperatures. What may have been a perfectly good food to start with no longer has the slightest nutritional value - you might as well eat plastic.

Soy oil and tofu contain phyto-hema-glutinin (PHG) which aggulates human blood. To be avoided.

Bacteria just love sugar. It is a food source for them, and it encourages them to multiply like wild fire in the mouth and gut.
Difficult to avoid as almost everything has been laced with sugar.

Pests do not attack garlic plans as they are too toxic. This is why garlic is used to cure colds, etc. The problem is, it is also toxic to humans. The sulphone hydroxyl ion readily passes through the blood-brain barrier and induces drowsiness. And not to mention the offensive odor!

Fried Food
Most vegetable oils break down at normal cooking temperatures, and become carcinogenic. Fish and chips fried in (usually) old oil are poison. If you need to eat fried food then use olive oil or palm oil.

All mold contain mycotoxins, some the most toxic substances known. Make sure that your foods are free of mold.

GM Foods (Genetically modified foods)
In order to get crops to grow on depleted soils GM grains have been developed. In order to make them resistant to insect attack, they have been spliced with very nasty compounds. They are so foul that the seed will not germinate. The list of ingredients does not warn of this insidious trend. You really do not want to consume these products - they are not what nature intended.

Write to your consumer council and lay a complaint of incomplete information on the labels of the products you buy - they should categorically state whether they do, or do not contain GM grains.

4. Others
Aluminum is low down on the table of elements, which makes it extremely active. It will combine with just about anything, especially oxygen. This process forms a thin film of inert oxide on the surface which protects the aluminum from further attack.

However if we cook in aluminum utensils, the surface is continuously scraped off in the process, and the food becomes contaminated. Aluminum is extremely toxic, and is likely the trigger for Altzheimer's disease.

Throw out all those aluminum utensils to-day. Use glass, stainless steel or ceramics.

Do not allow your dentist to fill tooth cavities with amalgam. It contains mercury which is extremely toxic. If he doesn't understand this, get one who does.

The next time you need to treat cuts and abrasions make sure not to treat them with mercurochrome. It happens to be red oxide of mercury, which you really don't want in your bloodstream. Rather use colloidal silver - it is completely non-toxic and safe.

If you are going to persist with placing all those toxins from cigarette smoke into your body, then all the above does not apply to you.

Alcohol is a poison, so take it easy.

The mother & daddy of them all - benzenes and isopropyl alcohol (aka propanol). Check out shampoos, sunscreens and everything else that you place on your skin for these two mega-toxins.

The above list contains the basic pollutants we need to avoid. There are numerous others, but if we can rid ourselves of these we will go a long way to protecting our-selves. It is of the utmost importance to keep our systems alkaline. Blood should have a Ph of between 7.3 & 7.5. An acidic, toxic system is an open invitation to microbes.

This is half of the equation. The other half comprises getting rid of pathogens when we do fall ill. That is where the Rife oscillator comes in, which is one of the other indispensable pieces of technology which you need to have on hand.

For more information on the Rife oscillator visit

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