Best Time to Eat While Losing Weight
While you are under a reducing weight diet, there are certain times of the day that are better for eating because the energy provided by food is better used by your body.
The times of the day when is better to eat are not tied to specific hours, but to the kind of activities that you have.
This means that for example it is not important that you always eat breakfast at exactly 7AM, but you should always eat breakfast in the morning.
The first time to eat during the day is in the morning.
It is important to eat a good breakfast, one that stops the urges of eating for several hours.
The breakfast you eat should be balanced, because when you wake up all the nutrients in the blood are already depleted.
During the morning is natural to feel hungry because our bodies have not received any food for many hours, in many cases from around 12 hours.
If you usually get hungry between meals, one really good tip is to eat foods that are harder to digest.
This keeps your stomach "busy" and it will take longer before you get hungry again.
For example during breakfast you can eat oats, which take some time to digest.
If you add to this some kind of protein the effect is even greater.
The glycemic index is a measure of how fast a food is digested.
If you want to look for foods that are harder to digest, look for its glycemic index, it should be bellow 55.
When you eat a snack is also preferable to eat something with a low glycemic index.
Some foods with low glycemic index include, lentils, beans, oats, berries, and barley.
After working out is another good moment to eat.
This is so because after you eat your metabolism is still accelerated, which makes it easier for your body to use the energy that comes with your food.
This makes it less likely for your food to get deposited as fat in your body.
This is the same reason why it is recommended to eat a light dinner.
Since while you sleep your body burns less calories, if you have a heavy dinner all the extra energy will get deposited as fat.
A good advice is to eat your dinner at least three hours before going to sleep and to eat a light dinner.
In that way you will give your body time to burn some calories while awake.
Even if you eat the same total amount of food during the day, but switch part of the food you eat from dinner to lunch, you will notice quick changes in your weight, usually just after a few days.
Another way that your eating time can cause weight problems is when you eat at irregular times.
A recent study in mice revealed that when they were fed during times that they should be usually sleeping, they gained more weight than when eating at the right times.
This have a great impact in shift workers, which have a tendency to be overweight.
The schedules of this kind of workers make them always eat at different times during the day, and always at time when there will be usually sleeping.
This causes problems with their body natural rhythm, also known as the circadian rhythm.
The times of the day when is better to eat are not tied to specific hours, but to the kind of activities that you have.
This means that for example it is not important that you always eat breakfast at exactly 7AM, but you should always eat breakfast in the morning.
The first time to eat during the day is in the morning.
It is important to eat a good breakfast, one that stops the urges of eating for several hours.
The breakfast you eat should be balanced, because when you wake up all the nutrients in the blood are already depleted.
During the morning is natural to feel hungry because our bodies have not received any food for many hours, in many cases from around 12 hours.
If you usually get hungry between meals, one really good tip is to eat foods that are harder to digest.
This keeps your stomach "busy" and it will take longer before you get hungry again.
For example during breakfast you can eat oats, which take some time to digest.
If you add to this some kind of protein the effect is even greater.
The glycemic index is a measure of how fast a food is digested.
If you want to look for foods that are harder to digest, look for its glycemic index, it should be bellow 55.
When you eat a snack is also preferable to eat something with a low glycemic index.
Some foods with low glycemic index include, lentils, beans, oats, berries, and barley.
After working out is another good moment to eat.
This is so because after you eat your metabolism is still accelerated, which makes it easier for your body to use the energy that comes with your food.
This makes it less likely for your food to get deposited as fat in your body.
This is the same reason why it is recommended to eat a light dinner.
Since while you sleep your body burns less calories, if you have a heavy dinner all the extra energy will get deposited as fat.
A good advice is to eat your dinner at least three hours before going to sleep and to eat a light dinner.
In that way you will give your body time to burn some calories while awake.
Even if you eat the same total amount of food during the day, but switch part of the food you eat from dinner to lunch, you will notice quick changes in your weight, usually just after a few days.
Another way that your eating time can cause weight problems is when you eat at irregular times.
A recent study in mice revealed that when they were fed during times that they should be usually sleeping, they gained more weight than when eating at the right times.
This have a great impact in shift workers, which have a tendency to be overweight.
The schedules of this kind of workers make them always eat at different times during the day, and always at time when there will be usually sleeping.
This causes problems with their body natural rhythm, also known as the circadian rhythm.