Back Pain During Pregnancy
Approximately three out of four women have some type of back pain during pregnancy.
For some, the symptoms begin early in the pregnancy, during the first trimester, and may occur intermittently until delivery.
Over 50% of patients have pain during the last 3 months and the exact causes have not been determined.
Recent studies show that women who have had multiple pregnancies, a greater weight gain, with a previous history of back pain, were the most likely to experience this pain again with a subsequent pregnancy.
The causes are believed to be due to:
For some, the symptoms begin early in the pregnancy, during the first trimester, and may occur intermittently until delivery.
Over 50% of patients have pain during the last 3 months and the exact causes have not been determined.
Recent studies show that women who have had multiple pregnancies, a greater weight gain, with a previous history of back pain, were the most likely to experience this pain again with a subsequent pregnancy.
The causes are believed to be due to:
- Changein body posture
- Poorbody mechanics
- Musclefatigue
- Hormonesthat cause the connective tissue in ligaments, especially in the pelvicregion, to relax..
- Sciaticatype pain may appear in the second or third trimester and it is believedto be caused by pressure of the baby on the sciatic nerve.
- Excessiveweight gain is also believed to be a contributing factor.
- Standingor walking for more than 30 minutes
- Standingon one leg
- Climbingstairs
- Bendingforward
- Steppingin or out of bed
- Turningover in bed
- Drivingfor more than 30 minutes
- Poorposture such as sitting slumped at a computer
- Carryinga baby on one hip
- Wearingshoes that throw the weight backwards
- Carryingheavy bags, packages, or boxes
- Apelvic belt may be prescribed
- Regularexercise and conditioning exercises such as walking, swimming, bicycling
- Moistheat and cold packs help relieve back pain
- Anymedication, including over-the-counter ones, should only be taken under aphysician's care.
- Bedrestor increased rest periods when having back pain
- Massagemay be recommended by the physician.
- Avoidexcessive weight gain during the pregnancy
- Maintaingood posture
- Practicingproper body mechanics
- An exerciseprogram to strengthen the back
- Wearlow heeled shoes