Effective Online Traffic Strategies For Website Traffic
All the efforts of finding a niche market, creating a website, is gone down the drain if you did not have traffic, nobody will be able to see your website.
Therefore, once you website is ready do not launch it right away, but provide traffic to the website and when you see now search engine are picking up and it is ranked on the first page then choose a time to launch it, so you may get a good start.
There are several ways to get traffic to your site: 1.
Social Media: This is the easiest and fast acting traffic you can get from Twitter, face-book,my space, ping, delicious and other social affiliate sites.
Offline traffic: The more traffic your site will get the better the conversion are going to be.
So, use off line less expensive or free techniques, flayers post cards and etc.
Article marketing.
This is one of the best way to provide traffic to your site and you can do it free also by writing it yourself.
Publish your articles about your website with related key words of medium competition and Google spiders will index your pages right away.
Post your articles on several directories, like Ezine Articles, Online Articles Directory, Go Articles and lots of others.
Choose the ones that you like along with Ezine Articles.
Blog for getting traffic: Blogs do provide lots of free traffic to your site.
There are some good quality free blog spaces like eblogger or Word Press blogs.
Write you blog everyday to create traffic to your site.
Craig'slist is the seventh most popular site on the Internet globally.
Place your sites ad there everyday and it will improve your ranking 6.
Video Traffic.
This has become the most popular form of traffic lately.
Adopting from U-tube, making videos for U-tube people realized the importance of hearing and watching for effective advertising and therefore it became an important part of traffic.
Reciprocal links: Exchanging links to display with a banner or URL to another site that is already getting a lot of traffic.
This way your website starts getting traffic form all sites and more and more search engine spiders crawls around your site to optimize your site.
Classified online and Offline ads serve a good purpose, some of them do not even work, so be careful while choosing this kind of advertising.
Email marketing from and marketing to your list is something you have to remember to do, as you will find many visitors and buyers who will buy your product because they know you and want to wish you good luck etc.
Create a marketing campaign for your site: By now you would have started collecting the emails from your visitors and start sending them promotional emails with creative incentives for them to get connected to your site.
You can offer several informative products, in the form of weekly specials, by hosting a customer only event, by sending them appointment reminders, offer coupons in the emails and several other techniques that can be used to keep the customer connected.
Spread the word with viral marketing: Let everyone know about the launch date and spread it all over the Internet with lists and classified and all other forms of traffic including your blog.
Word of email is equal to world of mouth on the Internet.
Search Engine optimization: Search engines are the first place an Internet marketer goes looking for traffic and it is a fact that they can get thousands of potential customers from there.
To get your website noticed by the search engine spider sooner a.
you may submit your site to the search engines for free.
Almost all search engine offers a free service to submit the site manually.
Google site-map submission does provide a page to advertise free along with the map.
Google has also rolled out Google base, where anyone can upload any information about there business free, as Google wants to index each and every page on the Internet.
Submitting to search engine using "ADD URL" is one way to tap the search engine and get them to send the spiders to your site.
If you want to buy web traffic, there is search engine pay per click, that helps you to drive traffic to your site in less than fifteen minutes if followed with primary key words and ad is written properly.
So following all these strategies your site will be get a big load of traffic to your website for potential customers, you have to keep an eye on the traffic strategies almost everyday to keep getting potential customers.