Paper Coins
Paper used in monetary values, has always provided a lighter and easier kept monies.
You can look back in the history of paper currencies and see that the value of a paper money has always superseded when used as less than a whole dollar.
Paper coins could eliminate the need for metal usage as a coin in the use of money exchanges and when you think of it, personal checks have been use for decades in settling over payments and refunds from many retailers if making restitution by mail.
Sending monies via regular mail cannot make use of metal coins, but paper would be no problem.
Can you think of more ways that paper coins could be a better application in our day to day financial operations? Thinking outside the box when choosing paper money material as a wider usage to include replacing metal coins could be a major adjustment but not an impossible task.
Paper and vending machines are no longer a non-application excuse, since we now see vending machines accept paper money.
So if a vending machine accepts paper money why not paper in making change? Paper coins have so many money saving advantages that we should seriously consider the redesign of our monetary monies and the materials we use.
The advantage of weight savings, transporting in and out of businesses, providing change to customers that don't have pockets for metal coins, the list goes on and on.
Many of you who have followed this article along are probably thinking either we are thinking too far out or we may have hit on a new benchmark idea that paper coins could be a real solution to many metal coin obstacles.
If you know of other applications where paper would be a better use, then spread the word and you can be a part of an unexpected change in how we use coins whether using metal or paper.