Dragon's Miscarriage
This is a submited story sharing one woman's experience of miscarriage.
I miscarried, officially, 9 weeks ago. I read that what I had done was a missed abortion, the baby died weeks prior to the miscarriage. My body made me think I was 10 weeks along, all signs and symptoms. I found out I was pregnant at 8 weeks after repeated false negatives. I asked my mom to take me to the hospital when I started to spot and I thought everything would be fine. With hope from the Dr's at the hospital I thought everything would be fine and just have bed rest. The following day I went for an ultrasound with bad news that I wasn't ready to hear. I was very sick that evening, extreme pain (physical and emotional). I knew it was not my fault but couldn't stop blaming myself and with mother-in-law and grandmother saying that I shouldn't have been participating in sports and maybe if I hadn't visited my father-in-law while he smoked, etc. I must have done something. We had a name for it already and we nicknamed the baby with the combination of the boy and girl name. My hubby and I separated emotionally to some degree, at least I feel some tension and distance. Simply what had happened was that the baby wasn't developing early in the pregnancy, at least that is what the hospital's explanation was. After a week of mourning very deeply I could start to talk more positively and we are now looking forward for another one when it happens, but I can't help wonder what my little angel could have become.
I miscarried, officially, 9 weeks ago. I read that what I had done was a missed abortion, the baby died weeks prior to the miscarriage. My body made me think I was 10 weeks along, all signs and symptoms. I found out I was pregnant at 8 weeks after repeated false negatives. I asked my mom to take me to the hospital when I started to spot and I thought everything would be fine. With hope from the Dr's at the hospital I thought everything would be fine and just have bed rest. The following day I went for an ultrasound with bad news that I wasn't ready to hear. I was very sick that evening, extreme pain (physical and emotional). I knew it was not my fault but couldn't stop blaming myself and with mother-in-law and grandmother saying that I shouldn't have been participating in sports and maybe if I hadn't visited my father-in-law while he smoked, etc. I must have done something. We had a name for it already and we nicknamed the baby with the combination of the boy and girl name. My hubby and I separated emotionally to some degree, at least I feel some tension and distance. Simply what had happened was that the baby wasn't developing early in the pregnancy, at least that is what the hospital's explanation was. After a week of mourning very deeply I could start to talk more positively and we are now looking forward for another one when it happens, but I can't help wonder what my little angel could have become.