Will The Rise Of E-books Mean The Death Of Paper Books?
They are part of the new media revolution.
Remember in the music industry, there were once vinyl records; alongside them came cassette tapes.
Then along came CDs to replace both.
Now it's all about ipods, mp3 players and downloads.
The forecast is for CDs to become a thing of the past.
(I don't know about you, but I've still got music on all of those formats!).
Will the same thing happen to books? I guess scrolls saw off stone tablets, and paper replaced parchment, but books have been around a long time.
And there's something about picking up a book and settling down to read it - anywhere - with no wires attached, and no electronic impulses frying your brain! However, e-books are gaining in popularity.
Most e-books that are bought are non-fiction, and many of them are self-help.
"How To...
" e-books are very popular.
People like to feel that they are getting something for their money that will in some way improve their lot; not necessarily financial (although that is VERY popular!), but in some way: health, wealth (mentioned) or well-being.
In addition many e-books come with freebies or extra goodies as an added incentive to buy.
Upon purchase the e-book arrives as a download very quickly - much quicker than going to your local book shop, or ordering a physical book from the internet.
You can start reading your e-book within seconds of purchasing it.
And that satisfies today's "instant gratification" society.
So, what about fiction e-books? With the inexorable march of technology, it is hard to see them not catching on.
You can read from your laptop right now.
It might not be too comfortable reading a book from your tiny mobile phone screen, but how long before that is solved? Perhaps an extendable screen to give your phone more of a paperback book size? I doubt it will mean the death of the book for many years to come, but e-books? They're here to stay.