Should I Reconnect With My Ex Girlfriend? 3 Things You Need To Look At First
Here are 3 things that you need to look at first before you decide to make an attempt at connecting with your ex girlfriend again:
1. You need to make sure that you aren't just using her as a back up plan because you haven't been able to meet someone new.
This is something that a lot of guys realize that they are doing and when they do realize that this is what they are doing, those strong feelings that they have for their ex girlfriend don't seem to be quite so powerful. If you are having a hard time meeting someone new and that is the main reason why you want to get in touch with your ex girlfriend, you may want to consider the idea that you just need to really get out there and meet someone.
2. You need to look at the reality of whether or not your ex girlfriend even is available.
What would it feel like to muster up all of the courage that you have to get back in touch with your ex girlfriend with the hopes of being able to get her back and then finding out that you don't have a chance because she is involved with someone? This is something that you may want to look at before you get your hopes up too high about what might happen between you and her.
3. You also need to look at whether or not you know what to do when you do get back in contact with your ex girlfriend.
It wouldn't really be that great of an idea to get back in touch with your ex girlfriend and then realize that you don't have a clue as to what to do to make her feel like she wants you again. It's so much better to have a plan to try and win her back, and having one that you know is actually effective will also make you that much more confident that it will happen as well.