Craft Ideas Using Baby Food Jars
- Baby food jars can be used in crafting.home made food image by Vita Vanaga from
Crafting with baby food jars presents many possibilities, from homemade snow globes to small votive candles. You can let your imagination loose and decorate cleaned out baby food jars with most any type of paint or marker you have on hand, and these items are easy for kids to work with as well, as they are so small. With some tips and know-how, you can make a host of different crafts using these recycled jars. - Snow globes can be whimsical items to craft, especially around the holidays. Just fill up the jars with water, dropping in a few drips of food coloring, and glue a small plastic toy to the lid. When you screw the lid on, it acts as the bottom of the globe with the toy standing upward. Add a bit of glitter as well for extra decoration.
- Baby food jars are the perfect size to hold small tea light candles, and look pretty when lit up if the jars are decorated with acrylic paint. Carefully paint the outside of the jar colors like pink or blue to cast colorful shadows when a lit candle is in the jar. Add details like polka dots and stripes for some trendy touches.
- A series of baby food jars can make a small herb or flower garden. Simply fill each jar with some dirt or soil and place a few seeds into each pot. Place the jars outside so they receive proper sunlight and remember to water them every few days. When the plants begin to sprout you'll have a miniature greenhouse at your disposal.