Floor Tiling Instructions
- 1). Mark off the floor with two intersecting lines, each from the middle of one wall to the middle of the wall across from it, using a chalk snap line. Adjust the position of the second line using a square at the intersection, to make sure the lines are exactly perpendicular.
- 2). Lay a layer of thin set mortar over the intersection of the two lines with a notched trowel, making the mortar about 1/8th inch thick and covering an area big enough for four tiles. You should be able to make out the lines under the mortar.
- 3). Press the first four tiles into place at the intersection, putting tile spacers between them.
- 4). Apply additional mortar to one side of the tiles and begin building out in a grid pattern from the center, along the lines. Continue spreading mortar and pressing tiles until you’ve laid all the full tiles that will fit. Let them set overnight.
- 5). Cut tiles to the size of the remaining spaces around the edges of the room, using your tile cutter. Set them in mortar as before. Let them dry overnight.
- 6). Take out the spacers throughout the floor. Grout the floor starting at one end of the floor and moving across in sections of a few square feet. For each section, spread grout over the surface, pressing it into the spaces between while scraping it off the face. Wipe up the residual grout with a dampened sponge. Let the grout dry for two full days before using the floor.