Tips For Putting Together a Child"s Bedroom
When we decorate or design a child's bedroom, we're putting together more than a room.
We are building an entire foundation for our children's childhood.
The bedroom are where their childhood memories will be formed.
It's also where they'll learn the basic elements of organization as well.
It should be nurturing and playful as well as organized and convenient.
Consider these tips for putting together a child's bedroom.
Purchase Clear Bins Bins can be a great organizer, a place to put toys, clothes and games.
If you're kid can't see into them, however, they might as well be their own time capsule.
Consider purchasing clear organizers so your child can clearly see the contents.
Out of sight is usually out of mind.
Hide it inside a bin you can't see into from the outside, and your child probably won't find it until it's time to pack for college.
Be Flexible with Shelving Install a utility shelf system that has room to grow.
It's best to use shelving that can be moved up and down to accommodate various sizes of toys.
Adjustable shelving can be altered as your kid gets taller and can actually use those high up places.
As your child develops interests or has to store new items, the shelving can adjust to the times.
Plan Ahead Kids grow pretty fast, and you won't be able to re-decorate fast enough to keep up.
Design the room to be able to grow with the child.
Don't use permanent paint or fixtures the kid will hate in a couple of years.
Avoid designing the room for toddlers when you know they'll soon grow up.
If you want to use younger child themes, save that for the furnishings.
Posters are a lot easier to change than a bedroom mural of fuzzy animals and rainbows.
Put the Kids in Charge This only works when you're kids are big enough, but let them be co-designers by all means.
You're the adult, so keep it in reason, of course.
If they want to make their bedroom into a permanent tree fort, why not give their bed a canopy? If they like to take the mattress for a drive, why not get a race car bed? Children have every right to be their own designers.
You don't have to try to think like a kid when you already are one.
We are building an entire foundation for our children's childhood.
The bedroom are where their childhood memories will be formed.
It's also where they'll learn the basic elements of organization as well.
It should be nurturing and playful as well as organized and convenient.
Consider these tips for putting together a child's bedroom.
Purchase Clear Bins Bins can be a great organizer, a place to put toys, clothes and games.
If you're kid can't see into them, however, they might as well be their own time capsule.
Consider purchasing clear organizers so your child can clearly see the contents.
Out of sight is usually out of mind.
Hide it inside a bin you can't see into from the outside, and your child probably won't find it until it's time to pack for college.
Be Flexible with Shelving Install a utility shelf system that has room to grow.
It's best to use shelving that can be moved up and down to accommodate various sizes of toys.
Adjustable shelving can be altered as your kid gets taller and can actually use those high up places.
As your child develops interests or has to store new items, the shelving can adjust to the times.
Plan Ahead Kids grow pretty fast, and you won't be able to re-decorate fast enough to keep up.
Design the room to be able to grow with the child.
Don't use permanent paint or fixtures the kid will hate in a couple of years.
Avoid designing the room for toddlers when you know they'll soon grow up.
If you want to use younger child themes, save that for the furnishings.
Posters are a lot easier to change than a bedroom mural of fuzzy animals and rainbows.
Put the Kids in Charge This only works when you're kids are big enough, but let them be co-designers by all means.
You're the adult, so keep it in reason, of course.
If they want to make their bedroom into a permanent tree fort, why not give their bed a canopy? If they like to take the mattress for a drive, why not get a race car bed? Children have every right to be their own designers.
You don't have to try to think like a kid when you already are one.